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Minutes -1 <br />Traffic Commissio <br />City of Paris I <br />The Traffic Commission met on Tuesday October 01, 2024, at 5:15 P.M. in the <br />Municipal Courtroom with the following members present: <br />1 . <br />Eric Guillot <br />2. <br />Linda Vandiver <br />3. <br />John Darst <br />4. <br />Jeremy Wilson <br />The city staff was represented by Asst. Chief Randy Tuttle. <br />John Darst called the meeting to order at 5:17pm. A quorum was establishe <br />with four members present. i <br />Mr. Darst then moved to item #2 the discussion and possible action concerning <br />election of Traffic Commission Chairperson. Mr. Guillot made a motion to <br />nominate Mr. Darst and motion was second by Mr. Wilson. There were no other <br />nominations. Motion carried 4-0. <br />111r. Darst then moved to item #3 regarding the discussion and possible action <br />concerning election of Traffic Commission Vice -Chairperson. Mr. Guillot made a <br />motion to nominate Mr. Wilson and motion was second by Ms. Vandiver. There <br />were no other nominations. Motion carried 4-0. <br />Mr. Darst then moved to item #4 regarding the approval of minutes from the Jul <br />08,2024 meeting. A motion to approve minutes was made by Mr. Wilson and <br />was second by Mr. Guillot. Motion carried 4-0. 1 <br />Mr. Darst then moved to item #5 regarding the discussion and possible action <br />concerning a change in school zone speed limit for Paris ISID campuses. Mr. <br />Tuttle informed members that after the previous recommended changes in the <br />times of school speed zones at various campuses the school officials realized <br />that they had not allowed enough time before start of school and after dismissal <br />and this needed to be corrected. Mr. Tuttle presented members with an Exhibit A <br />that outline new school speed zone times for each campus. After discussion Mr. <br />Guillot made a motion to recommend city council approve the new times of <br />school speed zones in Paris ISID district. A second was made by Ms. Vandiver <br />and motion carried 4-0. <br />