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MINUTES OF THE MAIN STREET ADVISORY BOARD <br />PARIS CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS <br />107 E. KAUFMAN <br />PARIS, TEXAS 75460 <br />TUESDAY, November 12 2024 <br />Present: Board Members: Glee Emmite, Melissa Jones, Kim Kalina, Mary Hart, Kevin <br />Moore, Tyrone Hayden, Becky Semple (Chamber), Alix Putnam <br />(City Council District 6) <br />City Representatives: Cheri Bedford, Main Street Manager <br />Citizens: Megan Glasscock <br />Not present: Board Member: Will Walker <br />Chairman Emmite called the meeting to order at 4:30pm by reading the board's vision and mission <br />statements. <br />I. Citizen forum: none. <br />2. Review minutes from the October meeting: <br />A motion was made to approve the October meeting minutes by Hart. Motion was, seconded by <br />Kalina. 7 ayes, 0 nays. Motion passes. <br />3. Committee Reports - Transforming Strategies <br />a. Design <br />C", <br />i. Emmite stated the Historic Preservation Commission met to sign a certificate of <br />appropriateness for renovation for a house on 1st SW and for Amy Hill, who just moved <br />her business to I st ST NE, approving her signage for the front and side of the building. <br />A facade grant was reviewed and acted upon for Linda Knox for $2000. Discussion was <br />had over a house that had been taken off 623 SE 6th. Still under review and waiting for <br />vote. <br />ii. Emmite introduced Megan Glasscock, who she is working with to create a survey to find <br />out what the residents of Paris Would like to see changed or added downtown. Megan <br />has created a diverse target group to answer survey questions as a test.. Overall the <br />feedback was positive, with primary concerns of parking and the lack of activities of <br />children. Cheri asked Megan to begin creating a Downtown survey to be submitted to <br />