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Memor,an�dum <br />Agenda Item No: 12 <br />TO: Mayor, Mayor Pro -Tem and City Council <br />Rose Beverley, City Manager <br />FROM: Osei Amo-Mensah AICP, Director of Planning & Community Development <br />SUBJECT: Conduct a public hearing to consider and take action regarding the petition of <br />Madeline Knecht on behalf of Phan T. Nguygen for a Comprehensive Plan <br />amendment from High Density Residential (HDR) to Commercial (C) in the City <br />of Paris, Block 315, Lot 13, LCAD 50943, located at 4225 Lamar Ave. <br />MTG. DATE: February 24, 2025 <br />BACKGROUND <br />The applicant Madeline Knecht on behalf of property owner Phan T. Nguygen is seeking a minor <br />amendment to the Comprehensive Plan being a High Density Residential (HDR) to provide for a <br />Commercial Density (C) for Future Land Use Map of the property. The lot is currently zoned <br />General Retail (GR) District, in the City of Paris, Block 315, Lot 13, LCAD 50943, (1.745 acres) <br />located at 4225 Lamar Ave. Also, on this agenda (Item 2) is a zoning change request from General <br />Retail (GR) to Commercial (C). Good access and connections to utilities are available at this <br />location. Commercial development in this location will provide conformity and will serve the <br />immediate and long-term needs of the vicinity. However, an appropriate buffer must be provided <br />to the northwest portion of adjacent residential zoning district to minimize incompatible uses <br />between Residential and Automobile repair noise or nuisance. <br />ANALYSIS <br />• The land to the North is part undeveloped, zoned part Agricultural (A) District and Single <br />Family (SF -2) District to the northwest (and is guided for High Density Residential -HDR). <br />• The land directly across from Lamar Avenue to the South is zoned Commercial (C) District, <br />which is guided for Retail (R) and developed as commercial businesses such as carwash and <br />gas station. <br />• The land to the East is zoned Planned Development (PD) District and guided for Low Density <br />Residential (LDR) and is currently being developed for senior apartments. <br />• The land to the West is zoned General Retail (GR) District at the lower portion toward Lamar <br />Avenue with Jewelry store which is guided for Retail (R) while the upper portion is zoned <br />Single Family Dwelling SF -2 District and guided for Low Density Residential (LDR) which is <br />currently developed as single-family dwellings. <br />ISSUE: <br />