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The application for the zoning change is because the proposed use which is to provide brakes and <br />rotor service is not permitted under the current zoning district that is General Retail District (GR). <br />Changing the zoning from General Retail (GR) to Commercial (C) will allow the proposed use to <br />be permitted and appropriate for brakes and rotor service according to the Zoning Ordinance - <br />Use of Land and Buildings Sub Section 8-105, Automobile Type Services Table. All <br />improvements and construction shall conform to the standards required by the City of Paris. <br />Staff has received one input opposed to the request. <br />The Planning & Zoning Commission recommended approval of the zoning change at its February <br />3, 2025, meeting. Motion carried, 6 ayes — 0 nays. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />Approve of the zoning change from General Retail (GR) to a Commercial District (C). <br />