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Item No. 14 <br />TO: City Council <br />Rose Beverly, City Manager <br />FROM: Stephanie H. Harris, City Attorney <br />SUBJECT: Re -adoption of guidelines and criteria for residential tax abatement program building <br />property <br />DATE: February 24, 2025 <br />BACKGROUND: On October 14, 2013, the City Council passed Ordinance No. 2013-036 <br />creating Reinvestment Zone No. 2013-1 for residential tax abatements. This reinvestment zone <br />included all areas inside Council districts 1-5. At the same time, Council adopted Resolution No. <br />2013-23, which adopted guidelines and criteria for such residential tax abatements. On February <br />9, 2015, Council passed Ordinance No. 2015-002 amending Reinvestment Zone 2013-1 to expand <br />it to include all Council districts in the city and designated the new reinvestment zone as 2015-1. <br />On April 22, 2019, Council approved Resolution No. 2019-013 readopting the guidelines and <br />criteria for residential tax abatements. Council reauthorized Reinvestment Zone No. 2015-002, <br />renaming it as Reinvestment Zone No. 2020-1, and reauthorized it again on January 27, 2025 as <br />Reinvestment Zone No. 2025-1. <br />STATUS OF ISSUE: To be eligible to participate in a residential tax abatement program, the city <br />must adopt guidelines and criterial every two years. The current guidelines and criteria expire in <br />April of this year. The guidelines apply to single family homes and cover new construction and <br />residential improvements in a minimum amount of 20% of an existing home's appraised value. <br />The abatements are for 5 years, and are de-escalating, from 100% to 40% over the 5 years. <br />BUDGET: N/A <br />OPTIONS: 1. Approve the attached resolution. <br />2. Direct staff to make changes to the existing guidelines and criteria and bring <br />back to council at a future meeting. <br />RECOMMENDATION: Conduct a public hearing and approve the resolution readopting criteria <br />and guidelines for residential tax abatements. <br />