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Water lines are in blue; sewer lines are in green. The yellow line is the current city limits line. <br />Dr. Kraft has provided information regarding leaks in the water line running through the <br />woods; this line, however, is the private line tapping into the city's line. The city neither <br />installed nor maintains the private line. <br />STATUS OF ISSUE: The city's annexation/disannexation policy (see attached Exhibit B) <br />provides that "the City will consider disannexation of any area within its corporate limits if so <br />requested by a majority of property owner(s) and if the area fails to meet at least one of the above <br />seven criteria, and if ...the proposed disannexation is part of an identifiable, logical whole (versus <br />individual parcels) which neither creates `holes' inside the existing corporate city limits, nor forces <br />any other area of the city outside the revised boundary line (`islands' outside the revised lines)."' <br />See Exhibit B, p. 16. The seven factors relate to: <br />Whether the parcels form an enclave; <br />Whether the area has developed as an urban area; <br />Whether the area is a designated growth center; <br />1 Underlining is original to the text; italics are added by the authors. The policy requires only that the city consider <br />disannexation, not that the city grant it. <br />