<br />All that certain tract or parcel of land situated within the Corporate Limits of the City of
<br />Paris, in Lamar County, Texas; part of the Re~ing Russell Survey, Abstract No. 786, and
<br />being part of a called 99.54 acre tract of land descnbed in a Deed to the Townwood
<br />Development Co., Inc., and recorded in V olume 511, Page 188, of the Real Property
<br />Records of Lamar County, and being more particularly descnOed as follows, to wit:
<br />
<br />Beginning at a W' iron pin (found) for a comer in the North Line of a called 2.3835 acre
<br />tract ofland descnbed in a Deed to Norman Montgomery, et al., and recorded in Volume
<br />1184, Page 278, of the Real Property Records of Lamar County, same being the
<br />Southeast comer of a tract of land descn1>ed in a Deed to Raphael C. L~ et al., and
<br />recorded in Volume 1378, Page 70, of the Real Property Records of Lamar County;
<br />
<br />Thence N 220 'lll 0" E along the East Line of said Lui tract, a distance of 172.062', to a
<br />~" iron pin (foUllo) for a comer in the South Line of Levi Lane, as shown on the recorded
<br />Plat ofthe Townwood Estates #1 Addition, and as filed in Envelope 321-C, ofthe Plat
<br />Records of Lamar County, same also being the Northeast comer of said Lui tract;
<br />
<br />Thence along the South Line of said Levi Lane ina Southeasterly direction and around a
<br />clockwise curve having an arc distance of20.922', a radius of985.000', and a chord
<br />bearing ofS 670 36' 14" E, 20.922', to a W' iron pin (found) for an inside comer, same
<br />being the most Easterly Southeast comer of said Townwood Estates Addition;
<br />
<br />Thence N 21 0 53~8" E along an East Line of said Townwood Estates Addition, a
<br />distance of 59 .99ttJto a ~"iron pin (found) in an angle point of said East Line, same
<br />being the Southeast comer of Lot 28 of said Townwood Estates Addition;
<br />
<br />Thence N 21002' II" E along the East Line of said Lot 28, at 162.897', passing a~"
<br />iron pin (found), same being in the South Line of a 70' wide drainage and utility
<br />easement, and continuing same course, in all, a distance of 198.355', to a ~" iron pin
<br />(found), same being the Northeast comer of said Lot 28 and the Northeast comer of said
<br />Townwood Estates Addition;
<br />
<br />Thence N 21002' 11" E over said 99.54 acre tract, a distance of72.235', to a ~" iron pin
<br />(set) for a comer;
<br />
<br />Thence S 59036' 56" E with a sewer line and over said 99.54 acre tract, a distance of
<br />63.429', to a sewer line manhole in an angle point of said sewer line;
<br />
<br />Thence S 670 09' 02" E with said sewer line and over said 99.54 acre tract, a distance of
<br />475.432', to a~" iron pin (set) for a comer;
<br />
<br />Thence S 21027' 00" Wover said 99.54 acre tract, a distance of398.890', to a W' iron
<br />pin (set) for a comer;
<br />
<br />2 of 3
<br />
<br />y....
<br />