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<br />Planning and Zoning Minutes <br />December 5, 2005 <br />Page 7 <br /> <br />Motion was made to deny by Brad Archer, seconded by Russell <br />McCain. Motion carried by a vote of 8 ayes and 0 nays. <br /> <br />14. Public hearing to consider the petition of Bobby Smallwood for a <br />change in zoning from an Agricultural District (A) to a Planned <br />Development District - Office Center (PD-t) on a 5.574 acre tract of <br />land located to the east of Townwood Estates #1 at the east end of <br />Levi Lane, which tract is part of a called 99.54 acre tract of land <br />described in a deed to the Townwood Development Company, Inc. <br />and recorded in Volume 511, Page 188 of the Real Property Records <br />of Lamar County, Texas. <br /> <br />Lisa Wright explained that the City Council referred this item back <br />to the Planning and Zoning Commission for reconsideration to allow <br />Mr. Smallwood time to meet with the developers to come up with an <br />alternative access route to the property to reduce the impact on Levi <br />Lane. <br /> <br />The public hearing was declared open. <br /> <br />Bobby Smallwood, 343 FM 2121, spoke in favor of the petition stating <br />that he sold the property to doctors and they are wanting to put in <br />offices. He advised that the new owners also owned a strip of land <br />alongside Honda, but they did not wish to build an entrance there and <br />planned to use Levi Lane as the access point to the development. <br /> <br />Richard Culver, 1130 Levi Lane, spoke in opposition to the petition, <br />stating that he does not want to be surrounded by business property. <br />He is concerned about the impact on home values-the values are <br />already depressed and this will further the depression. <br /> <br />Glenn Goode, 1110 Levi Lane, spoke in opposition to the petition <br />stating that he purchased his home 6 weeks ago. He knew that the <br />movies and Chili's was already there. He moved from behind Aikin <br />because of high traffic which is dangerous for small kids. <br /> <br />.-'"T <br /> <br />'.-T--'_.."-"'" ..,.....,---.,.........-..--.,-...----..-.....'..... .."--....,.,,,....,..-. ..'''-'-.---, ,.... .., <br />