<br />emblems not otherwise prohibited by law, provided the flag or emblem, when suspended over a
<br />street, or public space, is securely fastened to the supporting cable by one (1) edge only, and be
<br />allowed to swing free and further provided that permission to display the flags or emblems has been
<br />obtained from the building official. The supporting cable shall be of sufficient strength and anchored
<br />so as to meet the approval of the building official. The building official may grant a temporary
<br />suspension of the second and third sentences of this paragraph (a) ofthis section at such times as he
<br />may deem expedient on special occasions or while festivals or celebrations are being held.
<br />
<br />(b) Blinking .sigll.s. every blinking ,o;igl1 which can be a di,o;ttaetion to motoli,o;t,o; 01 i,o; a
<br />di,o;tmbal1ec or nui,o;anee to the ocGtlpant,o; of adjoining pl0pClty i,o; prohibited.
<br />
<br />(e g) Ddapidated Abandoned or obsolete signs. The owner of the sign shall havc thirty (JO)
<br />day,o; in which to I emo v e 011 epail mry ,o;ign which di,o;play,o; a me,o;,o;age 01 copy that hM become fadtd,
<br />tOlll 01 adverti,o;e,o; a bn,o;ine,o;,o; which i,o; no longel in operation remove such signs in accordance with
<br />the provisions of Sec. 28-21 hereof.
<br />
<br />(d ~) Ground signs. The size of ground signs shall be limited to one (1) square foot per front
<br />foot of property upon which the same is placed; however, under no circumstances shall such sign
<br />exceed three hundred (300) square feet in area and fifteen (15) feet in height. No ground sign shall
<br />be erected within twenty (20) feet of any residence.
<br />
<br />(c) IIazeu dou.s .signs. No ,o;ign which con,o;titute,o; a hazard to vehienlm traffic ,o;hall be placed
<br />in the City.
<br />
<br />(f ~) Historically significant signs. The historic Imldmark preservation commission, the
<br />committee charged with protecting historical districts, may nominate signs located in such districts
<br />as historically significant signs. The city council shall hold a public hearing and make final
<br />determination as to the historical significance of such nominated sign, and if such sign is found to
<br />be historically significant then the prohibition herein shall not regulate such sign. However, such
<br />sign may only be maintained and shall not be enlarged, diminished, or significantly changed, and in
<br />the event of such notification of change, it shall lose the protection as an historically significant sign.
<br />
<br />(g) lv/Mable signs, bal bel pole.s, etc. No mo v able ,o;ign,o;, bat bel po1c,o;, etc., ,o;hall bc placed
<br />on any public ,o;paee.
<br />
<br />(h~) Nuisance signs. No sign shall be placed or maintained in such a manner as to constitute
<br />a nuisance as that term is defined herein.
<br />
<br />(1: f) Pole signs. The size of pole signs shall be limited to one (1) square foot per front foot
<br />of property upon which the same is placed; however, under no circumstances shall such sign exceed
<br />three hundred (300) square feet in area and thirty (30) feet in height, except that, pole signs will not
<br />be limited to one (1) square foot per front foot of property, nor to thirty (30) feet in height, when
<br />erected within a rectangle one thousand (1,000) feet wide and four thousand (4,000) feet long
<br />
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