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<br />(a) Signs elected prior to July 1, 1986, and 'Which do not eonfclm tc the lcquirements ofthis <br />chapter, ate illegal 5igns undel thi5 and prior sign control ordinances if a pellllit t'\'as requiIed fur <br />their erection. <br /> <br />(b! Allsign5 legally eleetcd ptl1suant to a valid peunit or legally maintaincd plior to July 1, <br />1986, t'\'hIeh do not ccnfonn to the provisions of this section shall be remOved 01 relocated so as to <br />conform t'\'ith the lequilements of this section t'\'ithin fivc (5) yeats. <br /> <br />(c) Whele a sign in a fulmer "zoning dist1ict" has becn made noneonfullning because of the <br />change of that zonc, then that sign must be bi ought into confollnity immediately 01 I CIllO v cd. <br /> <br />(d) No nonconforming sign shall be lepaiIed or renovatcd at a cost in excess of thirty-five <br />(35) pel cent of the replacement cost of the. total sign structme, unless SUdl sign is brought into <br />confollllity t'\'ith thi5 section. No nonconforming sign shall be lepaircd or rellov ated t'\'here thc effect <br />ofsuch lepail or renOvation shall be to enlatge 01 increase the stlUctme ofthc nonconfollning sign. <br /> <br />Por the pmpose5 of this subsection, nonnal maintenance shall not be considcIcd to be Icpair <br />or r eno vation. <br /> <br />(e) \Yhere aU)' legally elccted sign is made nonconfolllling as a result of. <br /> <br />(1) The adoption of all)' amendment to this section, or <br /> <br />(2) Any amendment to the zoning oldinanec, 01 <br /> <br />(3) The acquisition of public ligIn-of-t'\'ay, or <br /> <br />(4) The Iedesignation of public stleets in accoldance t'\'ith the oldinances of the City <br />as amended, 01 <br /> <br />(5) The dedication of a public patk, or <br /> <br />(6) Any other legislative action of the city council of the City, <br /> <br />the sign shall bc remOved, rdoc<rted, 01 altcred so as to confolln tc the requirements ofthi5 section <br />or to the zoning ordinance t'\'ithin five (5) yeats of the date of the above-listed action. <br /> <br />(f) It shall be unlat'\'ful to maintain any sign erected t'\'ithctrt a valid pelmit t'\'herc a pellnit <br />t'\'as IequiIed fOl the erection of thc sign according to the lat'\' in effect at thc time thc 5ign t'\'as <br />el ected. It is a defcnse to pr osectrtion undel this subseGtion if the sign is made to comply t'\' ith the <br />plovision5 ofthi5 5ection and a pClmit has heGll obtained. <br /> <br />Page 13 of 21 <br /> <br />y- <br /> <br />"r <br />