<br />.>
<br />
<br />I ~
<br />r ~l t . I:
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<br />
<br />II!: , r':=~. Si"',,;, .,",:':~: :::,,,: :,:,:: :: ",' " .
<br />
<br />\1 () I thl! cte)' of Parh, County or LlIm4t', :lnd St4te ..
<br />f":3 ~ 0: TcxD.S. n..p:1rt..of--tho,.\Hlliom.,Driss;cn'Survey
<br />I I" t (If.Sl, ond 0 port of the 'bAlIC Cru1.s.e Survey
<br />I. /11&2, nnd bcin!\'dWPAt:&:f.Qf;;;ij:~~22"t5!;"iiCi"C:;' t:'to!1c~~qf
<br />' /~ lAnd con~~Y,Qd,Qr4.::Morri~.b.~'-g~.<:.:!;~corded in
<br />~ VoJ~.:_;:!2_?:..;'l,a:Ii~..~9.0f'l' also befng II part of a
<br />I. ~1.~ 161.5 O<;:l'e t.rnce of lond c':'nveyed H. E. Mor~!.s
<br />I by deed recorded in Vol. 265, Pase 457, of tho
<br />Ii!': ". Deed Rcpordsof .snid Couney and State.
<br />I.' Beginning ot li'stal<Q for cOrner in the E.a.st
<br />Dound~ry Lin~ of Loop Highway 286-~t the North-
<br />, ; west corner of a tract of. lllnd conveyed The
<br />~ , , Boy Scoues by deed recorded in Vol. 426, Page
<br />
<br />I j. ~ ~ ~~~thO; dg~0l~~~do~e25bdft. sf;~mP~~~tN~;~hg.
<br />
<br />. ". ~ Iloundnry t1.na of Graham St.
<br />" . Thence East:""'ccii'i'E'i'l'i'ce of 116.4 ft. to a
<br />. .. . st:ct~e f07: cO'rnor at the Horthells t co'C'net' of .
<br />i ~ said BOl Scout: tract: of land, ~nid pOint being:
<br />I. .. North ll:d1.sconcQ of JOO ft:. frern t:hQ Soucheallc
<br />.'. \.. ';/; .' corner of sald 2~. 5 ncro cract: of lnnd j .
<br />,! Thi:ncCl North a distancQ of 49.7 fc. to 4
<br />atllkll for corner nt:' the. Northellsc corner of 8a.~d
<br />I r- 22.5.ncre trllct of lnod;.. .
<br />I' tt; . . Themce East: o.long the Cru1se-Dris.;gc;"s
<br />o .: ~ EA<r. 4'~' Co"",on Surv.y Lino . ""'n.. 0' 406 n'. " n.
<br />
<br />.3~,. stake fot' COrner at the Southeast corner of sai~
<br />,i' ..... ~i · " 161.S .o" ".e, 0' L;n',
<br />I~ ~~~ Thence Narth a d1stance of 175a ft:. to a
<br />. . v~ . ~ ,tAKe 'for cornl!rj .
<br />: . !~. . Thence West: along the ~outh.. B9Ur.ldllt:Y_~in!! I
<br />I ..' . ".. !'~... of~ ompbe1:Q:~~1l dLs~ance of 242 ft. to a scnkEl for corncr;,
<br />I '. .' .. o. '-Thence along t:hl! Easi: Boundnry Line of 'Loop Highway 286,
<br />i.'. "l:3'~ as follows: Soueh 70 Deg. West 1I distance pf 132 fe.; South.,.:
<br />' crl:( around '/1 cUrve co. the left: 4 distance. of 961 ft.j S9ut:h.
<br />a Otst:llnca of 1268 ft; to ~h~ place o~ boginning and con-
<br />SCAt.:::: 1.... ';'00' ~..e.1.'l~~~"f...2.b lC);~ (lCt"OS', o f.... lAnd...
<br />
<br />. SAVE: EXCEPf't;;'LES/;" the (ollo...ing described 1.543 OCres Iireviously conveyed Al.'ay to. '.
<br />'..:.' th.,: State .~f r~-,<aa:'~or hisli...ay ):ight.-o(......cy purposes by W~rr.nty Deed doted -!onuuy 14,
<br />.: .,.. 1914 fr~", Or~ Korrh. re'cordea 1.l'I Vol. 563"'1"g. 206, of the tielAt' County Deed liecord.:'
<br />. ,'.: J(Ll that cer-tAin ~i-~ct or: ptrcel of l.and in tacoX' County, Texas, described as lalla.....::
<br />
<br />...;:.:. .'.' '1I,'ins: a l"ltl: of t:1\~ rcm:l;n.in~..ngF,~;r.1r}~s EI1S~ of iI. s. IIiSh""y ~2 (fotlnc:rly
<br />Loop 286). of...~I~...orisin4~~;t.2.~.5rt"acret...trAc;.~ of l"nd sitUAted 'In th~ IUD.c Cruiso
<br />.,.. SU\'V\'y, Allot, No. IG21 conveyCl,d by J"c~ P. DUn-lop. Odlo nennon Dunl"!,, ond II. E.
<br />. .. _:. ~J.;rr!. to Or... ~ktrri" by deed dACc!<l tlle Z7th d"y of Duecm['et. 1956, tceorded In'
<br />.. :"';.VolwuQ jS2; r"ce' 29G, ana beine Ii, part of chQ' odSind 161.5 Ilcre trect o~ l"nd
<br />. ',;;:';> ~r:-tu..tc~'it~ ~(Ie SlllHlII". Dr1sserll; Sirri<cr. Iobst. No. 281, conveyed by F4yctte
<br />.:",:' Reddcilt...,n.!. \lIfo, Adb:Uno V. Itedaelt to H. E. Horris by d"cd d.ted the Btl1 day
<br />: .:';: ': "of j~nui.rt, .l94~, rc1eotdcd 1n Vo1umo 265; Pag.. 457 f of Deed llecords of tamAr
<br />. : County, 'Tel/as: . ,
<br />, . BECINlqNG A.t tho ~~utl1uest: corn~r of 'Iltd. rem"inin~ p"rt Iyil'lg LOise of said U.
<br />. s~. Jl1SI"".y 62, (fomer1y Loop 286). ..id point ))c1.ng the N"rthvest corner of oil 0.806
<br />'..'":. H:ra ttl!ct ~ed by NeTS'eO TrAUS: CQuncU Doy Scout. of Mierica, ..i~ p<!lnt bd'lS 111
<br />:he e:<1stiriC E:lst Rtcht~~f-WoIlY tine of :said U. S. It1thway 82 (fohnerly Loop 286),
<br />Sll!~ poine bcl~g $ 890 4~' E" distAnce.of 43.33 feet from Inside ~~e Survey Station'
<br />65+45.09 of said. U S, IlighwO'l)' 82 (.fo-tIned)' Loop 286), sllid paillt Illso being N 890 49' U
<br />:. ',.', A d1i:t~ce of 1.1~~4 fi;et f1'-om ~h~ Soutl)cast'corner of ui~ remaining pO'lrc lying ta~t
<br />oe Ui $; KiCh,,!!y 82 (fOrmerly 1-odp 2~6). of the or1.S1nd Z2.SS IIct'e t.act; .
<br />" THENCE ~ 890~~1 E atons ~Aid ~orril-Seouts Common Uound.ry L1n. a dise&nc~of
<br />" 30.00 ~eet. .~ ~inl::', . .... . .' .
<br />. TflEtlCE N DO .41' \I .. ~i&t:arice of H'75.52 feet.. Ii point,. said po~nt b!!ing 'the .
<br />:. ;.:, .becinntns of A curyee ta the right uhOse rildius is 26!l1.79 feet:. .
<br />.: .: ...' 'DrOICE ill'a NQrt1:ie;~~ !l!I;Cct1on liith ~dd CUOC. to the right a cl1.~ance of ~n.9.0
<br />. '. " ,'~' fee:t. & p.q!nt, a4i~ peinE being il\ ~1I~cj cUrVll Wh~.D l:~n&ent Ot t~i.s point bears N 190 .
<br />. ':~: : 591 rt, u.1.~ p.oiht b<iins i1i. the exiatin; Ent Ili;ht-of-Wey Line of SIlid U. S. llij:h...'!-y
<br />~:',\ . ~2 (fCit'l?ei-1y, ~ilg ~~6) I : . '" ".
<br />. :. ..;.... . TrlENC!: S,693~~.1I ~lo!\1: slLiil'/!~isting Eht ll,lS!l~"of~\lny tin~ & di..t~neB of .39.~~'.
<br />. '. ".feet..!'- poInt; fAi.d' point !Icing 116'99" 35' E II diitlln.cc! Iif 47.98 feet f.olll ~i"\Sfde La,!e'.:':.;
<br />. .;'(:Sur<te)' Station 117+~.O.19 of S1Lid U. S,'Hi;liIlIlY 82 (form"'.ly Loop 286),..U1d Point: bld.n~ '.
<br />.' 'in a curVe co t.li,,' ("ft ,,}jose r4dtulf la 2727.79 feet and IIhos,e tangent at this paint:
<br />.... . :=-~';U'I ~ 190 27' W..! . .
<br />.~ ~ I ~ #- " . . ! t '0 . .
<br />. ..;: '.' . '.iI!~CE in.", Southcrl'y clir~i:tioii cOlttinuing atone laid eld.ting L:1st.Ril3l1.t-~!~
<br />.' ..' F.:l)' tilUS. And IIlli\l ~urVo i:!' .t:ha'lan /I diacanee of 958:29 faat to the ene! of .sa~d
<br />.' :: c:urv"O'; to. ; .:. ".. _. '. '. .
<br />: ,.. ". .nrEnCE S 00 411 E' cont:inuing dotlg soid exist!ns Ea~t:' Risht-of"'~~y Una ~ '.
<br />dl-"li~ne~'~t 1~,7$.P !e.ll< to the. pll\cQ of'~cS1.tining Ai:ld'contlli'n~ng:,l.s.43 1I'C:.c' of
<br />. '. l~i'~', \:6ro.~;,. ;dUj'~ll of \lliieh. ii ~lIqui;,ad for right-of-WAY. <', ,
<br />
<br />(~'?I;Y'::;~K;;!~:':~;T:.:...; .. . -. . .-.~.-
<br />
<br />------
<br />
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