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<br />THENCE !\:orth 89050' W 374 lect a luke;
<br />THE:'olCE North 890W530. 5 leet ;. /ltake;
<br />THENCl:; North 61 leet;
<br />" THENCE We/lt 95 ie"t;
<br />{5' THENCE Nort:. 167.4 Ceet 10 a stake in the Lamar Avenue Rock Road;
<br />THENCE with Il.lid Road North 800 E. 266.6 leet a dUke;
<br />THENCE Nort:~ 83040' E 37ti. 7 fact, a /l\.ake;
<br />THENCr~ North 88030' E 365 feet a /lukll in the Ealt line of uld land /lold
<br />to me br W. H. Elli,;
<br />THENC8 South with the /laid Ealt lino 335 foet to the plac\'l oC belllnnini.
<br />containin,; 6.73 acrt:d oC lan1.
<br />
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<br />SECOND TRA"T: Pa1't o'C the E. Crow Survey; and bciniS part' of a tr.\<.:t /lold by
<br />W. A. Crenshaw to Dorothy Thompson tly deed recnrde,i in Book 1Z8. pA~O ZZ.
<br />Lamar County. Tex,..1 Deed Record,.
<br />BEGINNING at a stal<e on the North /lide of f,e Lamar Avenue Road a. now
<br />laid out being the New Concrete ro.,d at (ap[Jl'oxim:'lely) the S. E. Corner of .ald
<br />tract <.l~edcd Dorol,hy Thomplllln by A. W. Crcn~haw;
<br />THENCE No rl;, 56, polell to) L:.e NWCorr.er ol the tract lold by Crenlhaw to
<br />C. W. Yomg. a Iltake in th., NB li.le oC a 15 acr., lract lold by McBee to Cren.haw;
<br />THENCE Wes! with said Hne 190 {eel. a.t.lko;
<br />THENCE South 56 pole. to the NB line oC Bid Lamar Avenue Road;
<br />THENCE Balte1'ly with .aid road to the bellinni:ll. conUininll" acrot.
<br />
<br />THIR D Tf/ACT: A part of the E. Crow Survey. and being pa:'t. oC a. tract lold by
<br />W. A. Crenshdw to Dorothy Thomp/lon by deed recorded in Book 128, page ZZ,
<br />Lam,],%' C"unty. Tex;;s Deed Rec',rds.
<br />BE<.iINl\1NG at t;,e NW cornor oC .aid Crenshaw tract;
<br />THENCE Eall 235 Fe,:t a Mtake;
<br />THENCl'; South 5(, pole. moro or leu to the N. B. lino of tho: Lamar Avenue
<br />Con.~ rete road; .
<br />THENCE W~.terly with nid concret'1 road to a point duo South ol the
<br />t..esinnhg;
<br />THENCE North 5(, pohn mora or leu to the begiMin~. containing 5 acroa.
<br />The So,';.nd Tract and Third Tract hereinabove described t..eing thOle tw., tract.
<br />conveyer! to n. L. Lewis by NeI:ie Bishop et a1 in deed Dated May 1, 1923,
<br />rOCOT.!ed in BOlJk ZOZ, PallO 575, Lamar County Deed Record.. I
<br />
<br />FOUR TH T){ACT: Part oC the Joshua Mooro Survey;
<br />-lj~fN'O'it a .take, tho North Wed corner ot tho homo plac. ot the laId
<br />D. F. Skidmore and wilc a. conveyed to them by J. W. Hardl.on: ~
<br />,.,
<br />THENCE Ea.t 263 foeta Itako to the NorthEa.t corner of /laid tract bought
<br />oC J. W. Hardillon;
<br />THENCE South 40 leot and 8 inchOl to the Lamar Avonue Road;
<br />THENCE Weat wit~..!~~id Lam..r AV\Jnue Road 263 Ceet more or leu to, ,f.::' . '
<br />the WE line ot uld tract purchuod of J, W. Hardllon; ., N I
<br />THENCE North 139 feet and 9 inchell to th<<! place or besinnlni. conuinJns CO
<br />lone hall acre. -.J
<br />Belnll thAt tract o! l&rid conveyod to Dr. R. L. lAwi. by D. F. SlUdmore t.1ld i .
<br />II wile. Molli. SlUdmore, by 'deed dated October 5, 19Z3, o! record in Book 20"'. ,I
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