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<br />CJU..13 <br /> <br />~. Proposed Project Activities (See Instru~ions on pages 13a and 13b.) <br /> <br />Since this is our fifth and final crime prevention grant, we <br />feit as though we have a good idea of the types of programs that <br />work in our community. It is our continued goal to to increase <br />our communities ability to prevent crime. To continue ~o educate <br />the citizens of Paris and Lamar Count~ to be able to protect themselves <br />from .crime and to advocate those students in crime prevention. <br />By continuing to do this, our community will continue to unite <br />and work together to fight crime. <br />There are over ~5,OOO people in the Paris/Lamar County area. <br />The continued education of these peo?le to protect themselves will <br />enable the crime rate to lower. <br />The lone crime'orevention officer for the citv of Paris and <br />Lamar County is a certified crime prevention practitioner as well <br />as a home and commercial security inspector. He has almost ten <br />years of law enforcement experience with almost five of those years <br />in crime orevention. He is also the local crime stopoers coordinator <br />.. . . <br /> <br />as well as the public information officer. By being in these positions, <br />the public has learned to know and trust him and therefore do not <br />hesitate to call him with a problem or to ask for a crime prevention <br />. . . <br /> <br />,service. There are no other law enforcement agencies in this area <br />that have a crime prevention program. Therefore, we have many request <br />to do programs outside the city limits of Paris. <br />The programs that we use in our unit/are not new. However, the <br />programs that we do have have been very successful. Neighborhood <br />crime watch programs have been established in all different types <br />of areas in the city and county. These areas range from the most <br />~legant n~ighborhoods to the low income projects. The Paris Police <br />Department holds annual in service training which includes culture <br />awareness ~raining. We realize that all facets of the community <br />need this type of information and the better that we understand <br />the different cultures, the better we can serve the whole community. <br />4. Proposed .Evaluation Design (See Instructions on pages 13a and 13b.) <br /> <br />The crime prevention officer keeps records as to how many programs <br />that ~re done for the public. Not only how many, bu~ what types, <br />how many people were presented to, the number of crime prevention <br />hand out materials were distributed, as well as the geographic <br />area. In addition to these records, the city police department <br />keeps very detailed records as to the tr~nds in the types of crimes <br />as well as the actual crime rate from month to month and year to <br />year. <br /> <br />The City of Paris is dedicated to having a crime prevention <br />unit. This is the fifth of a five year program. Without the assistance <br />that this grant has provided, the citizens of Paris would certainlv <br />.. <br />not have had the bene~its that we have been able to provide for <br />them. The crime rate has gone down and stabilized in this community <br />and many people have been saved from being the victim 01 a crime <br />thanks to the training that this department has been able to provide. <br />Thank you for your assistance on this last grant and for the past <br />four years. <br />