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<br />5. That CHAMBER shall submit for approval a proposed <br />annual program of work and budget for the same, which shall <br />include dedicating three-sevenths (3/7th) of the total budget to <br />a convention capital improvement fund to be used for the <br />construction of a civic center, to a committee composed of the <br />Mayor of the City of Paris, one City Councilman and the City <br />Manager each year on or before April 1, and shall submi t for <br />approval to said committee any proposed amendment to said program <br />of work a minimum of thirty (30) days before the proposed <br />effective date of such amendment. <br />6. V&CC agrees to construct to completion a civic center <br />1n accordance with plans and specifications as determined by the <br />CHAMBER and V&CC on or before December 31, 2000. The City <br />Engineer shall approve all plans and specifications as to <br />compliance with all City codes and ordinances. It is expressly <br />provided that location of the civic center shall be solely <br />determined by the CHAMBER and V&CC. V&CC currently recommends <br />construction of the civil center upon the property described in <br />Exhibit A attached hereto. <br />7. Upon completion of the civic center the CITY shall <br />ace e p t tit 1 e and 0 per ate the c i v i c c en t e r . Fur the r, the CITY <br />agrees to operate the civic center or contract for its operation <br />with the CHAMBER or any other entity as determined by the CITY. <br /> <br />-2- <br />