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<br />INSTIUJCTIONS ["OR COMPLETING PROGRESS RFDORT/PROJgCT GOAL <br />ACll mVEl\ TS FORMS CJD-16-a, CJD-16- AND C.JD-16-c <br /> <br />This 1H'()~~r'l~~';S l'eporl [or'm is a lnlllti-IJUrpose form. II. is lo be compl(~led, ~~~_~lpplkable, <br />wil It I 11(' t~:1'il1l1 applical iOll, and complet.ed fully for t h(~ **semi-allrlllal prog-r'(~SS r'(~r)(H.t <br />and IIH~ ***I'i nal IH'ogTess r'(~JlIH'I, Applicants must retain a (.'opy of the:-;e pages since the <br />information will be needed !o (:omplctc, in full, the semi-annual and final n!J}()rt~. <br />Additional l'or'ms will not he provided routinely. <br /> <br />*AT TilE TIME OF APPLlCA'l'IUN. Only pages CJD-IG-u and continuation page(s) <br />e.l\)- Hi-b will be compl(~ted. Columns 2 and 4 are to be left blank a.1 I his stage. <br /> <br />No.l....:..Grclntec Name: Entc~r name of grantee organization. <br />No. 2 - Grant No: L(~a ve blank. <br />No.3 - Project Title: I':nler ttw project title as used in theg-r'ant application, <br />No.4 - Report Time Period: Leave blank, . <br />Column. 1: In the space prov ided following numbers 1 through 20, enter the <br />Pel'f'ormanc(~ Indicators E~xactly as specified in the "Assessment Requirements" of <br />the Progr'am Description section of your Application Kit. List all Indicators, even <br />though some may not be applicable to your specific program. If desired, add <br />optional I ndicatoI's. <br /> <br />[n each 01' the blocks (I,Hlder lhe numbered items) for the lndicator cited, enter <br />I he estimated annual level of achievpment/performance as of the date on which the <br />~~r'anl will slal'l. 1':lIl(~I'" N I ^" if the Indicator is not applicablE! to your ~pecific <br />pr'()f~r'alll. .' ..' <br /> <br />Column :1: In each of Ihe blocks (under the numbered items) ]'ot' the indicator <br />ciled, enll~[' the pr'ojE~ctf~d number to be achieved during this grant period. <br /> <br />**FOR SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT. The report, covering the first six months of the grant <br />per'iod and consisting of pages e,] 1)-16-a, 16-b, and 16-c is due at CJD 20 days after the <br />report period ends. Headings ilnd entries on pages 16-a and I6-b, which were submitted <br />with the!,!, should be entered exactly the same into this report. In addition, <br />complete and add the following: <br /> <br />IJil~e _?1.J:~~~~lt No: Enter' the grant number cited in the Statcmenll)f Ge'ant Award. <br />I~ine 'L.._R(~port Time Period: Enter the dates for the first six munths of the grant.. <br />~~olu!!.1n ~: In each of the blocks, enter the actual number' (as an update of the <br />('al'liel' \'sl imate in Ilw cor'r'espollding block in Column I) of thf~ annual <br />ilchiev(:n\(~ill/peI'fot'll:ance as of the date on which this grant ~~tar'(e(i. <br />C<.!lumn_~~: In each of l.Iw blocks, enter the cumulative year-In-date achievement <br />level. <br />rage C~p-L6-c: Cornpletl~ llle narrative in the outline pr'ovided nn lhe form. <br />I r\('llld(~ ~.; i gna t.ll rl~ I dat(~, and telephone number. <br /> <br />***FOR FINAL REPORT. The r'E~p()['\, covering the entire granl period and consisting . <br />of pages C,JD"lli-a, 16-b, and IG-c is due at eJD 20 days after the {,rrant period ends. ' <br />With the excqll ion of the" Repnr" Time Period" und entries in Column 1, all other entries <br />on pages Hi'.a I I G- b of I he semi-annual report should be copied identically into this <br />r'ep(H't. I n add it ion, comph~te and add the following: <br /> <br />Line 1.t-R~ Time Period: Enter the dates of the entire gr'ant period. <br />Column 4: I rI each of the blocks, enter t.he cumulative year-to-date achievement <br />lev(~l. <br />Pa~ CJD-16-c: Complete the narrative in the outline pr~)V ided on the form. <br />Incltlde sig'natur'(~, date, and telephone number. <br /> <br />SEE FOLLOWING PAGES FOR EXAMPLES OF COMI)LETED FORM <br />C 111- 'If) <br />