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<br /> <br />.... <br /> <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />HOTE: A pcrtJan of till, Replot oppecn to <br />be '" Flood Zone B with regord. to <br />Community Pan. 1480427C. Oec_ber 15, <br />1983. Pan" 1 of a. <br /> <br />Seal. 1".100' <br />D...!lI!58. Aatf:S mTAl <br /> <br />SANTE <br /> <br />F E <br /> <br />STREET <br /> <br />. <br />f <br /> <br />Cltyof Porit <br />VoIum. 530. P09- 437 <br /> <br />-........... <br />.. ...- - <br />htlit.._ <br />of "-"ttI.-t fOot <br />S"-' II~W <br /> <br />"'t fill ....., <br />TNCtlI t.1. "''' <br /> <br />Mril ... ----l <br />~ 11:-0-. <br /> <br />VeNn WeKlnney <br />~. 84-4, P09- ellS. <br /> <br />aTY a.oac Il4 <br /> <br />.' <br />~'I z <br /> <br />AI _en vtry from 11n.. Area. bet-...n <br />""c:e and bClundcW}' hn_ may be In <br />po""'. ccnllcl <br /> <br />. <br />t <br /> <br />.: <br />J; <br />~ <br /> <br />......,......,...,. <br />-..- <br />but ..-... Hoo1h <br />-- <br />I-~''') <br /> <br />W <br />w <br /> <br />0:" <br /> <br />N <br /> <br />U1 <br />U1 <br />""W <br />:::!;Z <br /> <br /> <br />z <br /> <br />U1 <br />:r:::> <br />I-CC <br /> <br />0: <br />o <br />z <br /> <br />"" <br /> <br />.' <br />t' <br />-! <br /> <br />NOTE: Burled utlttl.. may b4I Iocoted on <br />this prop.ny that .. not 1hoM\ an this <br />plat You mu.t c~1 CHg r... 0 <br />1-800-344-83" and ha.. dI utili_ <br />mcri:ed befor. ony df99Inq or CCIr'l.tNeUon. <br /> <br />1/2. Found IrOl'l Rod <br />1/2" s., Iron Rod <br />3/S. Found tron Rod <br />Ortl.d Hole In Concret. <br /> <br />g:-~~ ~:,-:::t: I <br /> <br />SANDERSON SURVEYING, INC. <br />1874 SOUTH SH 121 <br />BONHAM, TEXAS 75418 <br />(903) 583-2969 <br /> <br />ElaS1WO l1lT UmJT <br /> <br />SANTE FE STREET <br /> <br />w <br />W <br />E <br /> <br />LO' 1 ~A <br />2:'3.f'q ?J<l <br /> <br />~ <br />~ <br />E <br /> <br /> <br />BLOCK g. <br /> <br />~ <br />w <br />. <br />% <br /> <br />E <br />o <br />% <br /> <br />FIELD NOTES <br /> <br />LOT 12 <br />Beine: ..HI ;lCRll1ruted 0111011 and ifni Nor1h ~b.l..Str'HI{BuWMII171). <br />Moble: a part or Ibt- lOlrkin Sqryey. Alttlnld 711, III tIK c~tlr IbnltJ.r <br />tbeC~ of PMIs, alld kin& aH of Lob 12ud 12_~ alld.. par1 of...... IJtbeChyef <br />Paris, TfD.. Chy lUod:N.. U. anll betn!!! '" Ib. Co..., 01 La....r. Staf, &IT,us, <br />1.81s11anIl11.4. al..hrtn:dnn1.... al UK Il, ."ln1...ds.n...d Tr:ac1s,I.. ""<II <br />lrom r.lenn W.lsonl. Da"hl W.. DanieL ncor.....l. Real Pr&p'-Iy R_rd. Volu_ <br />IS'. fa!!!, l'. I.amar County. Tnas, DredMa1 n.I'J90.iuIIII....lJal.Mlnl!!: <br />deKTlIJed ua pan or lei I". .1nt a.1I S'CWld Trads btllle durribed iIIa..,d <br />IrolD Vl'I'fIO..W. Daniel, and Lura C.Da.klto David\\'. Danie~ aadJucty M. <br />Daniel. nun.,eI" Real Pro,.rty Reronh VollIbIt 25J. ral' lJ6, Lamar COllnt]. <br />TeDs, daled nen.....b,.. 1, 1991.and "'Ine d"sa-Ibed b,. lIW'les and Mundl:u 10110,,": <br /> <br /> a 'Ii" I,",nd If'"'1IrsSolllh"'~4n" F..asta <br />dlsbaR.I2." Iwt. ald'l,"lcnsnd lronr.d e\'fl"lapslnto theWesf RI~t.ol-Wa,..of <br />North Maio Sired also luJo.... as BlUtntu 271 appros:imaldy J.O le~ Did p".1 <br />also b'bIIC rbe S.ulhcast tonJtr of the rritrmcTd O.\1d W. Daniel tral['f.nd lb, <br />Northeast eo"",.f a lrart lItseribed In :) Warranty ~ from Gal'J' Nadl ."d wK'. <br />Rtbffca Nash 10 \I"lvIn MtKlftfItJ and lVIro!, \fIIdnd !\.ItKlnne,-. rKOrdtd In OeM <br />Rerords Volume 6.... Pace 664. La_r COWlf)'. T ItDS, dal,d AprA D. 1982, saJd <br />polat 111'10 hint: In theW,st: Rlli:hl-of.Wa, of="orth Main SlTeet (RuslMU 211) a'" <br />It"ln!! dntrlbed b! mdltS and bounds al f.nows:: <br /> <br />(I) Tbntet ~orth "'59'40" West (K_rd BtarlnlO wilh fbeSoulb lint .rlh,. <br />rftf'l"t:llced David W. DaNd fract Itnd th" North IIn, of 1M rd""ellClf'd Nuh tract, <br />pani..CIh"lIIbo....m,~ct'd '1," fOlUlel inaat is IInann 01 lJI6 feet .Dd pgssinca <br />v,," Found Iroa R.dlli.ann0l221.86ftel,tt-hkhantnaaes:I'It'IlIi.I lbt[;nl <br />RI~t.Ilf_Wa,. ofN.",,_st Flrst5~ allOprn1OUIIy ~ as Wan Strftt 10 a <br />point lor a total dbunre 01 2J1.9I len. ..Id poInl ab. ~nJl: tht- Southwest mmer .f <br />Ibis nfw"lK'tlllllavid \\'. Daalellrad and Ihl' N.rtbmn corner 01 tbe n:ftnlK'td <br />NlIsbtr.rt; <br />(2) ThttKeNorlb 00-11'45" W,st "Ub the Eul Richl-.I-Wa,.fNortbwtsl flrd <br />Stret'l. dlrhnre .(1)..'1 led '0 y," Set Iran Rod lor Ihe:"iorthw,sf eonsrr of thb <br />tr:ao; <br />(J) Tbmt't South I9"SJ'U" r.ast a dlstalK"<! of D147 lo!d I. ~M Set Iron Rod, raid <br />potnt also belnClnlhtW,1I Rllhl.of-W., ofNorttl Matn SlTeet (Bus1neIl27I)fw <br />tbtNortbeastronwrofthislTlK1; <br />(4) ThmttSlMllhOO"OI'JJ" u.dwhhttteW'rl R1r,hl....,.Way 01 North Matn <br />Strm (Budnt_ 271) a dlst:ulu.I 83.4'. 10 lb, rotsr .OF-BEGIN:'oIING abd <br />toIIlablibl 0.448 .ens 01 bnd. <br /> <br />~ <br />W <br />w~ <br />:;: <br />~N <br /> <br />I.lHI3 <br />B'ing: 0.1" knS dtut,d all 'IS North MatnStreet (Onsiltltls 271). belnla <br />p.rt.fthe Larkl:a Suncy.Abstract nl, tn Ilwcorporatlt Utails: "'1~CHy 01 <br />Paris, and Itl'lnJ:. part of Lot tJA. altd a part or LoltJ of IMelry of Paris, TeD" <br />ell)' BkM:kN... '-4. anll btlnJ:1n lbe County af l.anDr. State.' T'D" Lot 13 ai_ <br />It'''nJ: deKTllled., a part of LlIC 14. J1rst and ~iIII Tnctl IIdnJ: dttcTtbed In a <br />lItltdff8DllVI'I'DO.W. Danld, aad Lara G. l>aldtlI. DavldW. Daa"~ and.huly M. <br />Dankt. recvrd,d kI Rml Pnptn)' Rft'ef".b Volu_ 25J. Pa~ lJ6. Lam.r COUBty, <br />T....a.. dated D<<.mber 2. 1991. and a partolLer 1JA h"lnl!:dt.ribed Ina_d <br />Iror.V",-W. D.nItI, ;sndLunC. Danl,lto DaridW. Daaltl. and Judy r.L <br />Daniel, t'H'Of"dH In 1t...1 Pnperty Res:ords VoI_25J. Pal!!'02J4. LamarC..nty. <br />Tes:as, d.ted IlKetnber 2. '"I.and belnl: daro:rIba4")' metes and boundl al fo!lows: <br /> <br />I.OT I.JA <br />ft..IRJ:: 0.ll4:1tfes dhlaltd al 'I~NiOf1h :\lain S"""(B."a,. 271). II"";;: a <br />part.I tbe LarlWl Ralta. StarVey. AIlIInn 77'1, "tliotearponle UnlIllof rIM Cill)' af <br />I'arls.and bftaca ,artol""" I.lA.rUttCMy ot"l'aris, Teus. City Blork N.. 94. aad <br />be1ll1: ill the COUDly at L....... Stah" T ,us, Lot lJA ",ac dersANd in a ...... <br />Ir.m\'tt'lIOD W. Da"~.adLW1IG. Dalllel" Oa""W. DalSiel .ndJY4y M. <br />mnle!, r,urded In Real Prop....,. Reterds- V__ 253, Pall' 134. I.anuor Co...,.. <br />T na, dared I)....' 1. l"I....d ItmColeM:rh1llly.wln a.iIII bennd,. a. f.UoWl: <br /> <br />Rednalnli: al a ,"lid fr_ ""hleb a 'l.M I..... Iroll ro4l1urss-rh ...~.40.. East 11 <br />distil.., al 2." fed,..hI '/,," f"Ulot Iron,..iIII Inn1apllnfathe \\'ell RI&h....ot"..Wa)' of <br />North Main SIT"lal_ Uotlnl al RaslllltQ 171 .",.s:bnaltly J.O I... ...01 po4ld <br />allltbelnl!:thaSouthoast('WIIl'I''' IIttnfl'n'llCedo.l'IiIIIW. na......ad_..lht <br />North"".. 1nct detcTtbed Ilia Warn...,. Deed fro.. Gary N.1iI an. ",V,. <br />R,bocea Nash 10 Meh'. MtKhutty and "'-e, MUdred MrlOlul'ty, r.orded ID Oft" <br />Rl'nr", \'olUlltlt U4. Pac, '64. Lamar Co_Iy, T 'llIIs.nt'd AprA 23, 1'81. sa'd <br />polAl ablo beine Ia IhtWn1 Richl-o'-Wa)' of North ~bIaSlnc-1 (OutDenl'l). <br />said p.inl betacinlloeWltsl Hlpa...f-Way IIINortbMainStrttI (DII"_II 171) <br />lorthhrll;11I11(CIJIft"wlu"uruaD4 roaUnulllcNorlh WOI']J" West ....lIh the <br />Wi'll Rlafd-.f-Wa,....N.nh MaIlISIr",(n.rtMnZ11). 10".711. a Yo" <br />Set Ir.n Roel for 1M Seu~easf C'OnWr eflh" tract nlll belnalll' roTNT-OF. <br />BEGU.,7\'lNG and beI.1 dnnibtd by MdH a..4 IlIOU.d, as foRo"l: <br /> <br />(I) 71r.~,.uWnt. dbll."~ of '4..10 leet. .1.. point btlll;!he SMlhwell rorntl".I <br />Ihb trM1; <br />(2) ThUluN.rtba dhtanreef,7.%I f"tlo Yo" SttJ.-R.... said""" bdaCiD <br />lbeSoulhIbM ofalrxt ...sql......a Warn.'" D.III f,.. Hunt 011 C."pany I. <br />Clty.lParis, record,dln Dft'd ReaJf"d.V.I_5J1.f"apU7. LamarCollftty. <br />TI'D" dat,d Stpltsnlioer n. 197I.nd blthe North III11t 01 tM refft"ttlc:e' Daniel <br />tract 'III" th, N.rtb",,", C'Omer .flhls tract; <br />(3) Th,nt:eSeutbl,.S7'JO""f-ast..dlNorfh U.....lthertf_Danlel trac1 aa4 <br />the Saulh Uneaf rIv ref.,ennel CllyofP'art.lnct a .dant'tof"'.'7 fed.. point <br />,fOIlI.....kb. dllsdtd bolt lanHlaftebea...S.....,.'TJt..I::a.... dlll1l~ol <br />L7IIm. mid p.lnlaboltdnl tbeSaIllIwa,. corner al rht s,leRMed ell)' of Pnls <br />InId and lit 1tw WI''III K~I.ol.\V.)'., Narllll M.... Slretl(a.~ae. 111) "'1" the <br />N.m-IIIC'Of'ftft'.flhlllTlId; <br />(4) 1'1IUlt~Soutb.rOI'JJ" Ea. ""'Ih dlC'W.. R1pf..J.Wa)'.fNortb Main <br />Slntl(Dulilsten21l)a4lll.~.r57.1'" httM POINT.OF.8l:GlNNING iIIad <br />wntalalncO.I24acrtlollan& <br /> <br />pwtco\nON_AG!,.' <br /> <br />Wt, DlVid W_ Plillitllllld Judy M OInitl. 111m." oflbt 1111"_ dtcribed lJKlllf ~d. do <br />henh)' unify 1iI1Il WI' ...'OCd !tit Slmt 10 I'llu.<I .. !Ill",,"". do hereby adopt RJdlo plan or SuhdI"ISion, <br />InddohcrebydcdialttllUltC~yoft'lns. TU-'III)' and all Strcftl, AIIty1, lUchl"""W~ or <br />F-a.'>CmtllUU~ 1ltnm..lhollht ..Is oflhil"" st..., be in ..x1lf.-nt,walll1hllpl_.llndlh_ WtOO <br />bertby plU1ll1lre m, wOlbll..'ihip ~d mllI!"ll!! of..y 01)' ot Pin' flCiliti" ClOllstruncd _ prapastd <br />PlaLfOf apcrllldorOll~ year UflU'IlIW'unl of"thClplatbylh~ C'lYDfCuootiloflhcCity ofPlI"l$, Tuu. <br /> <br />z~ <br />-~ <br />..w <br />"z <br />~ <br />~" <br />"," <br />0- <br />z <br /> <br />U-----a5lVldW Dmiei)---- <br /> <br />BecJsmlalat. pobll from M1kh a '/,," foUDd lr.. rod beau South W:!i"40" East: a STATE OF TEXAS <br />dlstalKe of Z."fHl, aldV."Ioand Iron roda,-erlapllnIO'heW'1I RI~I_of_Wlll"'oI COIfl'oOTYOFt.AMAR <br />North l\-IabtSlnflalsoknowllalBuslnt1ai27' lIppro:d....ltlyJ..,fII't., S11li111polnl 1111SIMrumall.uldol_l~edbtfDl'tm'''''lht ____~...yof __ . by <br />al_lIdn!:'ht S.ulbI'IIst Rt1Itt of lhe "'n-'lK'td David Yo'. Damltl tnn .nd the <br />Nor1heu1 twmerola tnc.1......d in a W.rran", Ditelll from(~.ry Naill allll wile, <br />RtIJerea Nasb to MelYlR McKismty and Mldred McKinD". recorded Ia D"d <br />RfIt8fp Volume 6-44, Pace 664, La_r C.unty. T 'us, lIaln April 23. 191Z, sa"l <br />point ahg belnlt:tn IlbI'West Ri~_oI_Wa, ofNartb Main SIIwI (B.anea 271). <br />said point abo betna lit lhe \V'II Hlchl-.I-Wa,. olNCIrttt !'oIIaln StrWll (8ustnea t7J) <br />lor this ....1..... C.nwatncemmI anti rontInuinlt: No"" W'fJJ'J]" W", '"'" lbe <br />We. Ri&ht-of-Wa, olNorth l\bln Strwl (BII1illl'u 211) a distance 11113.'" 10 a Yo- <br />S,'lron Rod for IbeSouthtastltWII,r of tbh tr.Kf and brinClbe POl,""T~I~ <br />lI,.~r.lNN1"''Ga~d belne d"","hed Ity nw11tS _d "IIn.1I as foDo"c <br /> <br />(I) T1Imc~SeuIllr "'53'29" F'..alll pudnaa chain link fehRCOf"HI' pod al a <br />iIIIlstanro'" ~1.'1'.. anilll "'lIh and near th, pnenllocallon at th, main <br />lihkf'nce and pas:dn:anoChI'r cllalDlink I~nc:e tw....... post ala dllta......rZ08.'l <br />Iftl andntntlnuinl!: a lotaldlshn~'" ZJ]_47 11''''10 11 'I," Set Ire. H.d ID lilt t:ul <br />R1tht-oJ..Way ........rth~ nrst S..... ai_ ,n:vtou.,. known alWaB SITed, for <br />rht SOUfhweoIl utllltr ... 11111 SklDnilll T tact; <br />(2) 17I,nuNarUl 00"Z"45"\\"1I wltb IIw [ast R1dt1-oI"-Wa,.ol="lIrthw,st.".. <br />Slrm. d1SUlK'tof 71.1.5 1m 10 a Y," Set Iron H.d ..Id pol" bl'tnalht Solrtbwnt <br />torIIl'l" 01 a lrad d'.ri....d In a Wamlll)' Dl'rdlnm Ilunl all COlllpan"aClly al <br />Pa'I~ rnvrded I. Deed Reeordl \'ohm.. ~JO. Pac, 4J1. Lamar COUDty. TItU$, <br />dald Seplttnber 11. J971. for lbe Northwest t'OI'Iltf of lhIs Ind, <br />(J) 17Itnu Sautb If9OSTJ." F..ast with the .so"h lOIt of the 1".r""",rH City el Parh- <br />lTact and do,Nonh llnee(doll....,.~ Oanltl1rac:t a dllbnce 01 1)9.26 fetllo <br />'I," Selina Rod. for the _.. Nonb"".,. Nonbtanc:or.... of dall lrad; <br />(4) ThenceSaulh a dhtannofS7.21lo 'I," Sd Iron Rod,ler au instd, N.rthearl <br />mmer.ltbbtrac:1; <br />(5) Thmuf..a" a dlstancoof'U.1Ofeett.%" Sit Iron RGd,arullo a polnlMtllf' <br />W,,, RI~hl..f.Wa, ofNerlh Main Street (Bu\inus 271) lortbe rno.1......sterly <br />N.rtheast C'OIIl"I' oC lhb lrad; <br />(6) TJm.uSoudl OO"III'JJ" t:nlwltblbtWed RJebl-of.Way ..rNortb MatDS1rtot1 <br />(Busin,ss 27J) a dldan~ .f21.2810 Ibe rOl:'ff-Ot".8~GNNING and c:vabilllng <br />1l.2<)6 aCTefOlIand. <br /> <br />(Jucry~.O.ucl) <br /> <br />NDbr}PIIblic,SJ..tcofTa.. nitt <br /> <br />= <br /> <br />The ~ed, lh,CllyOm mille CitynlPri... 'Tn-.llrn:byctotificuh.lhc f...t...n~ <br />~ANAI.rt.ArwllS!f.Ibmilr,dlolilcCilyCouncilolP.i5, TD;Uonthc __.~_' dsyof <br />_' -,...dC~yC....nci'by r'lITfIll.chllltlhm -'11l.n..x.p',dlll;,t-Finitl PI"--." IUldlllid <br />Cily Coun..l flll'lher Mllorilnlthl' Mlyor 10 nDlC ltlt Irreplllllrtlbcreaf by .III~ hils nunt lIS htn.. <br />~1""!iUb!o<nbtd <br /> <br />(;~).-a~ cil,J-p.;;:r;;;~ - r.~---- <br /> <br />STAn Of TEXAS <br />COlr.loTY OF LA....lAJt <br />llusio'tnlmrnl..ulldrt_ltdf;cdbtr...cmtnnlhc ____. day of _~_.b)" <br />~~_______~_,c~\,aak..dly"'P""s. TtJr.D <br /> <br />No>Ill1'l'ublu;.SbIlColTaiIJi l).tt <br /> <br />Al'PROVI-D <br />(:i..ifTnan.cilyo7P1iij,-- <br />PliIIlflin, <l2' Com"'...~""" <br /> <br />~----- <br /> <br />0;;-. <br /> <br />REPLA T CITY BLOCK 94 <br />REPLA T LOTS 12, 13, <br />& 13A OF CITY BLOCK 94 <br />City of Paris, Lamar County, Texas <br />Owner: Dave & Judy Daniel <br />529 Fitzhugh Ave. <br />Paris, Tx 75460 <br />Phone: 903-784-6891 <br />MAY 1. 2006 <br /> <br />SURVEYORS CERTlFICA TE <br />I, Mark L. Sanderson Registered Professional Land Surveyor State of Texas #4911, <br />do hereby certify the above was token from measurements mode on the ground, <br />3/20/06 and there ore no visible easements, right-of-ways, encroochments, or <br />overlapping of improvements. except os shown on the plot. <br /> <br />Mark L. SanderllOD RPUI "911 <br />