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<br />..', <br /> <br />...:.....::.~..,:..'::.:;~f;.~1~I:~:~~~:~:j;;~ffg;-~&(!.~~{:: ?~\~~~\:.: ":.' ?:;i:::.+.'.)t:--.::~ ~~.:.. '~",'~. <br /> <br />'~'I.." ~~ t. ~>: :~... <br />I': ,. ....~ ~, :...' :..... ; <br /> <br />'-:'\' <br />; ~".i;<" <br /> <br />.\ .' <br /> <br />~C!.l -r~ ,'] . ...... ,. " .' , <br /> <br />Sit t~d about z? ,.Ues South SO DC9. "'ri't or. tilt: Cfly ~f r.'II'h."Cl'ull\.)' or,I;-..(. .. <br />1. l~uof TC'JlS ~ J'3rL or the: Js;uc Cruhe Survc:y nc.l OInd UIC t.......ucl [I/er Sunl:',)' <br />}~d S ~ d bdn:7 I rart or " ~G8.05 Icr~ 'nct of'land conveyed Ilonnl Jones eL 11 by <br />r.l13, ..oorded in'Vo'. Stl4, rise 579, or Lh'c Deed IIceol'ds or Slid Count,y And Shle. <br />Ilced ~rc ~nn'1\9 at. an JJ'on'Jl~h (or corner al tha Jlorlhcoasl cOI'ner or Ute \l.H. 'Cour1.lnd <br />~ e9 at an cl cornel" of sald Jones et al tr.aclof'l.and. . <br />lIf'V~ &71 a,ong the Souul DouMlry lillO of said Jones ct -1 tr1ict cf 1~~ u' fDl- . <br />. te/lce De JS J-IIn. [HL 644 n.'; South Sg Dcg. 30 Hln. [ut 386 n.l rul at: <br />'01i1:~O~~ ~ss~~ the Southeist corner of u1d Cruise Survey :and contfnul1l9 on" tol <br />\JoB. . f 31!l4 5 ft. to an irotl p'n for corner;. . ,.' <br />JI'ta;~e 0 Jlol'l'; 31 Dc9. 30 J.:ln. [UlIl1oll!l the \!~sl Doufldoll"Y Hne of nJ'Q Roalf J37 <br />\~(lce f S64:S n 10 ~n iron pfn for corner ..t Lha'lllOst Ossterly'J:orlllC'lSt cor'! <br />I dhhnc~ :r slld Jon;s ct al. tract of bod "nd Lho SoulhC'ut cprller of ~ tnet'of <br />'., o"~cr~d tl~ r~rfs, lex.s In~uslrl~l Foundation ~ deed recorded in Vol. ~S4, <br />1111 C;l of ia I d Dced Jlecords; -. " . ' . <br />'Ise i;s,cc ..10n9 the South 80llndaf)' line of said fOllneSltlon bnd the 'lorlh Boundar,)' <br />, ;CI'..,d JonrS rt 11 lr.lct of ll1nd .s rcllOtI~: .Soulh 29 CC9. 1!cst 1551 ft.; r.orLh .. <br />1 "e 0 ;31l1n lJcit 318Z ft. to I pOint for eorller.1n a pool .l.lhe Sowlhwcst cor/lf:r <br />8~ Dc~d ro odllion tract of hnlf :lnd an el co/'ner of sl~d JoneS c:l al 1rlct'of hnd~' <br />o S\hen~~ Sou_t~ .c c:eSl~ 13 tlSn. r.a~t . clh hnce of 742 n. .to the phcc of beglMlnl :.,:, '.' .. .", ., " <br /> <br />.... . <br /> <br />'" ':'1 <br /> <br />.' <br /> <br />. . <br /> <br />TJ\,\CT :u <br /> <br />, Sltll~led 21J IIIUCS Soulh 50 Oeg. "'Cil or lhe:CH..Y of, eOllnt)' of 1~l&;U', <br />and :Slale of le~s, a part cf thl! Lemuel (\o'er Survc:"Y 1313, and beln9 a flrl 'of <br />01 ;>68,O~ .acre tract of 'hod conveyed Oonn~ Jo"eS et al by deed rccordrd n Vol. <br />~4. P~ge 579. of lhe Deed Ilrcords of uid eovnt,y ud .Stlle. <br />8e9.llIntn9 at an ~TDn ptn for comer in the West Bound.ary u~ of saId (tier <br />SUI'VCO' at an C!1 cori\Cr of SI~d Jones col:'.a' lrlct or laod.' :ufd point being the' <br />Soulh('ul eorller or the hue Cruise Surve)' 1HZ .and the r:ortheHl cot~r of the' <br />~,r.P' I P.R:R.' CO. SurvfY tnT. '.0 , <br />ThclIl=f Soulh 0 ~g. JS Jlln. ~~st a cllsl~lIce of 9Z4 ft. to.a/l il'o" pIn for <br />COI'IIer H CM InOst (utcrly SOUU'Il1l:'St corner of hl~ Jon!;'s' cl al lrael of l~nd; <br />Th~llCe rut a distance of J06Z ft. 10 an Sron p~n (01" .:o/"ner at .the SOI,th'..esl <br />COrf\Cr of .:a h'lcl of hnd conv!:)'"d Bill.)' J. r..rlrlclge u)' ~ecd rC'Clll"ded In \'01. . <br />'~81. ,...SC 203. 'Dfsl1d -o<:ed J:l.'tords, sOlld'polnt being "'C$t~-dlstlnte-"1lF-m-1t.'-..._. <br />rrOOll Che II'O,t [.a~lc:rly SoulhcuL corner or said Jones c:l a1 ll"~ct of land: <br />lhenccl:orlb 3t DeSl. [Hl a dlsla;'ce of 'HO ft. 10 a" fron pin for corller <br />.al the l~orlh"'1:"l 'corner elf :s~ld Parlrldge trlcl of hn.d; . . . <br />.,hence SOlllb 59 OC9. 4S Jan. (ut a dlshnce or <'00 ft. tei ~ll "'011 pin for <br />corn~r .:at Cl,C' J:orlh~Ht corner. of uld rUld"gc trolcl of land: <br />ll'e"'\: alol"l9 tha Hcst Boundary Unc 'of rarlllllo~d 137 u fol10<<$: Mo'und a <br />curve to C~ hrl 114 ft.; J;orth 2S Of~. )S WIl. rut 76 ft.~ I:orlh 31 f)(g, 30 <br />}:In. [~~~ 616 ft. to ;an iron "fn for corl1cr; , <br />Thencel."cst a dlshnce of J8ZS H. 10 the p'~c~ or bC!ltll:,!ns <br /> <br />:... ~". <:.: . <br /> <br />:::::; :.... <br /> <br />p. <br /> <br />5UnJECT totD!l and gal le~.e d~tod ~ugust 1, ~SB2, to Ch&lmera <br />OperAtin9 Co=pAny, epp~ar!Dg of record in Book 12. poago 98, Oi~ end C&. <br />lA,uQ Jl.ecord, of LalllAr COUllty, TOllas, and as Alllo;lded Dn July Ii,' 19i.2, <br />betveon Don~ JOIIOS et .1 ~n4.Do~ Che~lcal COMpany (,uccassor to Chal~F' <br />Op<<r&t1n9 Co=plny), .~ a&.~nt. in tavor of Taxa. Power' tlght <br />COOlp.&ny.. appnn ot "aeo:rd. and .. .ho= an 'unol IUd. by J' H No1".on ..' <br />ltaghtored I'ubHe Surveyor of Tou,_ tlo. 402S, d4~d April 22 '1982 &.lid ~ <br />t~ ra.ervot10Q of 1/16tb ~oQwp.rtlclp~tlo! rOY::~lh~oto:ro.t lor lS'yoir. <br />ro~inod in d,eod cl..a.ted ~ 11 1971 trO<ll JacKod Uilll~ at .1 to <br />J. 1>. ~u.IIJh11.n roc:or44d 1.0 Book .5h, rogo 735, .Lamar CQ\l.Dty Dud Jl..Icord.. <br /> <br />:t:XBIJI I'T ;to: <br /> <br />.ill 'E47.~241 <br /> <br />','.... . 'I. <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />,. <br /> <br />. . '. <br /> <br />EXHIBIT A <br />