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<br />the legal procedures for protest or contest of any such ad valorem taxes; or (c) Owner <br />materially breaches any of the other tenns and conditions of this Agreement, then this <br />Agreement shall be in default. In the event the Owner defaults in its perfonnance of either <br />(a), (b) or (c) above, then the City shall give the Owner written notice of such default and if <br />the Owner has not cured such default within sixty (60) days of said written notice, this <br />Agreement may be modified or tenninated by the City. Notice shall be in accordance with <br />paragraph 13.3. As liquidated damages in the event of default, and in accordance with the <br />requirements of Section 312.205 (a)( 4) of the Property Tax Code of the State of Texas, all <br />taxes which otherwise would have been paid to the City without the benefit of abatement, <br />together with interest to be charged at the statutory rate for delinquent taxes as detennined <br />by Section 33.01 of the Property Tax Code of the State of Texas, with all penalties pennitted <br />by the Property Redevelopment and Tax Abatement Act and the Property Tax Code of the <br />State of Texas, shall be recaptured and will become a debt to the City and shall be due, <br />owing, and paid to the City within sixty (60) days of the expiration of the above-mentioned <br />applicable cure period as the sole remedy of the City, subject to any and all lawful offsets, <br />settlements, deductions, or credits to which Owner may be entitled. The parties acknowledge <br />that actual damages in the event of default and tennination would be speculative and <br />difficult to detennine. <br /> <br />VII. <br />Tax Abatement <br /> <br />7.1 Subject to the tenns and conditions of this Agreement, and subject to the <br />rights and holders of any outstanding bonds of the City, a portion of ad valorem Property <br />taxes from the Property otherwise owed to the City shall be abated. Said abatement shall be <br />an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the taxes assessed upon the increased <br />value of the Improvements made by Owner to the Property described in Section III of this <br />Agreement, over the value in the year in which this Agreement is executed, in accordance <br />with the tenns of this Agreement and all applicable state and local regulations or valid <br />waivers thereof; provided that the Owner shall have the right to protest or contest any <br />assessment of the Property and said abatement shall be applied to the amount of taxes finally <br />detennined to be due as a result of any such protest or contest. For the purposes of this <br />Agreement, the initial value of the existing real property (not subject to abatement) shall be <br />deemed to be the value as shown on the tax rolls of the Lamar County Appraisal District as <br />of January 1 of the year in which the Agreement is executed, said amount being <br />$15,244,600 for Land and Buildings. The current abatement which is the subject of this <br />Agreement shall extend for a period of seven (7) years beginning January 1, 2008. <br />Notwithstanding the term of the tax abatement expressed in the foregoing sentence, <br />this tax abatement by the City to the Owner with respect to the Property and the <br />Improvements may be extended at the option of the Owner for an additional three (3) <br />years in the following manner and upon the following condition: <br /> <br />(i) Not later than July 1, 2014, the Owner requests an extension of this tax <br />abatement by written notice to the City for the additional three year <br />period; and <br /> <br />(ii) In the foregoing written notice, the plant manager of the Paris, Texas, <br />plant (or an officer of the Owner) certifies that the Paris, Texas, plant <br /> <br />4 <br />