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<br /> Grant Coversheet Form <br />1. ENTER the legal name of the organization: 12. a) ENTER the Authorized Official Information: <br />CITY OF PARIS, PARIS, TEXAS Title (Mr., Ms., Dr., Judge, etc.): MR. <br />2. ENTER the title of the project: Name: TONY N. WilLIAMS <br />LAMAR COUNTY FELONY CRIMES UNIT Position: CITY MANAGER, CITY OF PARIS <br />3. ENTER the division or unit to administer the project: Address: PO BOX 9037 <br />PARIS POLICE DEPARTMENT City/StatelZip: PARIS TEXAS 75461 <br />4. ENTER the agency's ~tate ,Eayee Identification Number: Telephone: (903) 784-9201 Fax: (903) 785-8519 <br />1-7560006359000 Email: <br />5. Is the applicant organization delinquent on any No b) ENTER the Project Director Information: <br />federal or state debt? (SELECT One): Title (Mr., Ms., Dr., Judge, etc.): CHIEF <br />Note: CJD will not award a grant to an applicant that is delinquent on any Name: KARL lOUIS <br />federal or state debt unless they can show mitigating circumstances, subject <br />to CJD approval. Position: POLICE CHIEF <br />6. The funding source your organization is applying for is: Address: PO BOX 9037 <br />Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program (federal.CFDA 16.738) City/StatelZip: PARIS TEXAS 75461 <br />7. ENTER the grant period: Telephone: (903) 737-4140 Fax: (903) 737-4142 <br />From: 10/1/2006 To: 9/30/2007 Email: <br />8. ENTER the current grant number if a continuation project: c) ENTER the Financial Officer Information: <br />13854-07 Title (Mr., Ms., Dr., Judge, etc.): MR. <br />9. Budget Information (figures are filled in from the Budget Form) : Name: W.E. ANDERSON <br />CJD Funds Cash Match In.Kind Total Position: FINANCE DIRECTOR <br />$227,999 $27,134 $0 $255,133 Address: PO BOX 9037 <br />10. a) Is this a local or regional project? (SELECT Local City/State/Zip: PARIS TEXAS 75461 <br />One): <br />b) Is this grant application in response to a Request Telephone: (903) 784-9241 Fax: (903) 785-8519 <br />for Applications (RFA) as published in the Texas No <br />Register? (SELECT One): Email: <br /> JUDY SWITZER 13. a) SELECT your organization type based on the list of eligible applicants <br />c) If you marked 'No' to item 10.b), ENTER the name by fund source: <br />of the CJD staff member that you contacted for <br />submission: City <br />This application Is Not subject to a regional COG Prioritization. b) LIST the cities and counties within the service area: <br />11. SELECT the primary service county or area: Lamar City of Paris and Lamar County <br />The regional council of government (COG) for this application is: <br /> Ark-Tex Council Of Governments (0500) <br />14. FOR COG USE ONLY a) Is this application shared with another COG? (ENTER "Yes" or "No"): <br />b) CPTN #: B d) State 8pplication Identifier (SAI #) or COG Application 10: <br />c) Priority #: <br /> <br />Page 1 of 18 <br /> <br />Coversheet Form <br /> <br />:'~ <br />