<br />L.C 0 P R . Lamar COIlr1IV Officilll Public !"<.ecolds
<br />L.C R i'R l.Bffiill Counly Rl.'llll-'ropcrty Records
<br />L C D_R - Lamar COllflly r.>c.::d Records
<br />C&G - Curb and Guttel
<br />IP -lrooPlpc
<br />IR-llOnRC'Id
<br />
<br />Fi~!d_!'l'2..t~
<br />
<br />BeiDg. 09942 acre ITdCI ofland in the Larlrin fulltan Survey, AbstrRct No. 778, in tf1c City
<br />of Paris, umar County, TCJlIl~; being all of Lots 2 and 3, City ofPlui.'l Ulock 16], Ifld bcing
<br />ill Dr that certain tract of land described in deeds to Bradley D. and Li~a D. Archer, daterl JMuary
<br />9,2002, rcconkd in Votume 115 I, Pltge 160 ortbe Lamar County Real Propeny Records
<br />(LC.U.R.), and dated ()(;tober 6, 2003, recorded in Vol. 1394, Pg. 109 of the Lanulr COllnty
<br />Official Public Rb::otds, said 0.9942 ottre tract of land is more pllrticuJarly de~cribed by metes and
<br />bounds as fbllows:
<br />
<br />BEGJNNING at a I12.incb iron rod with cap set in the east right--of-way tioe of 6th Street SE.
<br />(40 feel tIo'ide per the City of Paris) for the northwest corner of that cenain tract oflll!ld described
<br />in deed dated October Hi, ]998, to Brenda Elmore Lepley, recorded in Vol. 821, Pg. 307, L.C.RP.R..
<br />and the southwest comer of the herein described tract;
<br />
<br />TIIENCE North, along the east rigbf--of_lI.<lY line of 6th Street sr, at II disl.aoce of70_00 feet passing
<br />a 112-inch iron rod \l.;m cap found for lbe common west comer of" said Lots 2 and 3, and continuing
<br />a total distance of 193.5R feet to !In X set in concrete for the southwcst comer of tht certain
<br />tract of land descnbed in deed dated Ju]y 2, 2003, to Rruce Rollmon, Sr_, et UX, rerorded in Vol. 1323,
<br />Pg. 12~. LC.R.P.R-;
<br />
<br />llIENCE North 88 deg. 49 min. 17 sec. East, along the south bound!!.fY line of said Rollerson tract, at a
<br />distance 0(5.00 feet passing a II2-incb itoo rod with cap set for the northeast corntT of the 5.foot
<br />right-OF-way dedication shown hereon, at a di.'ltance of distance of 163.117 feet passmg a 2-incb metal
<br />chain link fence comer post souod for the most nljrtherty southwest comer of that certain tract ofllJDd
<br />described in deed dated Januttry I, 1995, to Hohbs &: Cuny Fllmily Limited rannenhip,recorded in
<br />Vol. 499, Pg. 139, L.C.R.P.R., and continuing along a south boundary line of said Hobbs and Cuny
<br />FlITlily Limited Partnership, a total dilltance of240.08 feet to a ehain link fence comer post found for
<br />lID. interior comer of said Hobbs & Curry FlInli1y Limited Partnership tract;
<br />
<br />THENCE along the west boundary line of said Hobbs & CUrry Family Limited Partnaship traet as
<br />follows: South 01 deg.07 min. 53 sec. F.ast, a distance of 126.73 feet to a 2-mch metal c:hain link. fence
<br />corner post found for an angle point; South 89 deg. 55 min. 48 sec. West, a distance of53.65 feet to a
<br />1/2~cb [ron pipe found for an angle point; South 00 deg. 44 min. 05 sec. West, a distance of 69.60 feet
<br />10 a 2-iDCb metsl chain link fence comer post fOUIld for the oortbea.'lt comer of 9aid Lepley tract;
<br />
<br />TIJENCE South 89 deg. 20 min. 34 sec. West, al()[lg the north boundlll')' line of said Lepley tract. at a
<br />dIstance of 183.00 feel passmg a 112.inc:h iron rod with cap set for the soutl)east comer ofsllid 5.foo[
<br />rigbt--of-way dedication, and continuing a lotal distam;o of J 1111.00 feet to the POfI'ITOF DEGIh'NfNG
<br />and containing 0.4253 acre, of which O.XXU acre is included in said 5.foot right.of.way dedicaticm,
<br />leaving O_UXJI Det a~ of land
<br />
<br />P.BE!-~ARY - This d~~t...!ha~ot~e_r.~~ded for..!!!Ij'_p~C!, Date _A..uS!.JSill,l~_.
<br />Dennis E. Chalaire, R.P.L.S_ No. 546Q
<br />
<br />NOTtB
<br />
<br />I. Thc Jocatlon of underground utilities shown hc:reon IS approXimate; acl'Lwllocntlons should he
<br />field verified pnor 10 ellrth movln!;, e:'\cavatlon, or conslTUctloll ElUstence, SIZe, :md location of
<br />blUied ulihles shO\\'l1 hereon are based on VIsible evidence found on the ground and mfOml<ltion
<br />provided by the City of Paris, Addihonal underground utilities bes-ides those shown hereon mn
<br />eXlSl on or adjacent to the subjecl property
<br />2 Beil.nngs shown hereon lue bascd on due NortJl a]0llll6tb Street SEper Vol lIS!, Pg 160,
<br />LC.RPR
<br />J, Subject properry IS in Z.oDe C (areas ofmini.mal flOOding) per FEMA FIRM, COlT1mHJuty Panel
<br />No 480427 000-1 B, effcctwe Dec_ 15, 1983
<br />
<br />C'TY BLOCK NO 115
<br />
<br />Lot 504
<br />
<br />Lor 5
<br />
<br />
<br />Shennan Street
<br />
<br />LotJ
<br />
<br />~~I
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<br />Loti
<br />
<br />ABSTRACT NO. 778
<br />
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<br />Lntfi
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<br />L..R
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<br />Lot 9
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<br />Lot 7
<br />
<br />Hearon Street
<br />
<br />Lot5D
<br />
<br />r"o, CH~lf" 11111
<br />fU'([ COF>tlf>- FO~~
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<br />CITY BLOCK NO. /fiJ
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<br />ClTYBLOCK NO. 163
<br />UNPUl7ED
<br />
<br />Lot'
<br />
<br />lollS
<br />
<br />---,
<br />
<br />1--
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<br />Lot5
<br />
<br />Pfl!ICAnQ!':l"_~Cl~MM]E
<br />
<br />We, Dllld and U.'Ia Archer, ownen orlhe b~ described thlctofland, do ~ certify that we
<br />have uused the ~amc to be pflllted 08 ehown. do hereby adopt lIUeh plat! of Subdivisillb, and do bereby
<br />dedicate to the City of Paris, reus, any and all Strec:IS., Alleys, E;uemenCl, N" Rights-of-way u liboWll
<br />hereon, that tbc sale of this lot~hall be in accoroauce with this plM, Illdthat we do heteby guarmtr.e1he
<br />workmanship IlDd mated_Is ohoy City of Paris (acililtes CODBtrueIed on the pTDpoted 1000sho\IVD bemJll
<br />for a period of one year upon approval of this p]stby the City Engineer Dfthe City of Paris, Teus..
<br />
<br />Lot 6
<br />
<br />Bl"lldAn::bor
<br />
<br />COUNTY OF_________
<br />
<br />UsaA.ocber
<br />
<br />This irmtrumenf was acknowledged befo~ me on the day of , by
<br />rmd -----
<br />
<br />NOiaryPUbije,SlB.leorTe.~;--
<br />
<br />19;:EM'ANg;:
<br />
<br />I
<br />15
<br />I
<br />
<br />The undeoigned, !be City Oetk oCtile City ofPnris, reUB, herclJy certUi~ tbat the foreeoiag
<br />~FINAL PLAT" 'l"B~ SlIbmitlcd to tbe City Council ufParis, TUllS, 0<1 thc_ day of _'
<br />and laid City COUJK;U by ramuli llCtion tbellllnd thefll accepted aaid '"FINAL PLAT: aCId laid City
<br />COllnt:i1 furtbCl: authorized the Mayor to nolo the IICl:cptwce lben:ofby signing his nama 8$ bereia
<br />below.>ubscn"b.:d
<br />
<br />11
<br />
<br />S1 A TE OF TEXAS
<br />COUNTY OF _~________
<br />
<br />cJt.j Clor( Cily of P.ri~, r~8 Dale
<br />
<br />Thi~ instrumenl was acknowled~ed bcr.lrt'l me on till' ___~ dayof ____, by
<br />
<br />APPROVP.n.
<br />
<br />Lolli
<br />
<br />ACCf.P'TED'
<br />
<br />J_
<br />
<br />ARCHER Pt.6c:..r;:
<br />I Block, I LOI . 0.9942 Acres
<br />
<br />Owners: Brad and Lisa Archer
<br />537 SE 6th Street, Paris, Texas
<br />Phone 903-785-3977
<br />
<br />::,U~O
<br />
<br />No';rYPUt;ilc~;;---~-[)q~
<br />
<br />-Chainnan,Qty-;fParis-~-.----~~
<br />Planning & Zcninll; Commi3sion
<br />
<br />~~~---------O;te-
<br />
<br />. r 44112nl STa.EEr SE PAlU~, TEXAS 75~60-7.S9 \I03-71I4-1~S"4
<br />
<br />~------
<br />
<br />
<br />DATE: AUGUST 2~, 2006 I FILE: 6086FTNALDWG
<br />--------!-
<br />
<br />SCALE "~ 50' ! SHEET I OF ,
<br />