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<br />o Statement of the disposition to be made of the solid waste collected, including the site(s) where the solid <br />waste will be deposited: <br /> <br />i;Jo. 51-(> fYla Y)(.I3e rnem+ kYJd ~ j U <br />VctY\~ Ti- I7Sc.J'O <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />o Statement explaining the justification for the City of Paris to issue this permit, including specific information <br />as to how the service will benefit the convenience of the general public and how the service is necessary to <br />the general public. Any supporting documentation to establish public convenience and necessity is <br />welcomed, and may be attached to the application. Such supporting documentation could include factual <br />information related to the number of customers already served, the experience of the company providing the <br />service, letters of commendation for the service being provided, or any other material substantiating the <br />capabilities of the company to serve the public convenience and necessity. <br />~prD vvJe :5(>XlIlcf> +0 !/10Ilj:5 010 ILhll s; nesSeS ) in Po-ri'>; <br />~)Yd- f!-~OS + he ~Dnlj{,l'\iu~ I!-t c.t j/11a) Un rn;~ blJ-~if)eSS <br />Ve-Y'S~L'J Ct 0-- (,' ~ ..' . ( 9' C(j(--h:-h\tl S <br /> <br /> <br />o ATTACH APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE AND NON- <br />REFUNDABLE APPLICATION FEE IN THE AMOUNT OF $500.00. <br /> <br />I CERTIFY,he foregoi~onnation is true and correct as of this date: <br /> <br />By: )-~ Yio~ <br />GJ 11~ <br />e.nD uol~ <br />Type or print name <br /> <br />9-L/-d~ <br /> <br />ow n~r <br />Capacity of signatory <br />