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03 P&Z Minutes & Reports
City Council
Agenda Packets
01 January
2007 01-08
03 P&Z Minutes & Reports
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Last modified
1/4/2007 12:41:44 PM
Creation date
1/4/2007 12:36:35 PM
Item Number
Planning & Zoning Minutes and Reports
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<br />services to them. <br /> <br />Pat Murphy stated that he has been encouraging Barney Bray for several <br />years to get his property properly zoned so that if anything came up he would <br />be ready to move on it. The subject is about 600 feet deep and runs along the <br />highway basically from the Lester's shop building down to Eric Clifford and <br />Rick Standifer's office building. The master plan recommends this zoning. <br />The property along the US highway should be zoned commercial and this <br />would be in keeping with the trend of what is alr~ady there. Hopefully this <br />zoning would pull some development off the northeast loop and Lamar <br />Avenue. Another benefit to this zoning would be the infrastructure which <br />would mean an increase in the tax base. Every developer is required to put <br />in a lift station at their expense but the City owns it. Also, water and sewer <br />will have to be put in which would tie in hundreds of acres and the small water <br />line that is already there that would probably have to be upgraded, and the <br />City can tie in to it and serve in the future down the highway. <br /> <br />There was no opposition, the public hearing was declared closed. <br /> <br />4. Consideration of and action on the petition of Barney Bray for a change in <br />zoning from an Agricultural District (A) to a Commercial District (C) on 53.624 <br />acres which are a part of the Joshua Moore Survey A571, the Joseph Leech <br />Survey A524, and the J.W. Williams Survey A1001, and being located between <br />the 4200 and 5300 blocks of Clarksville Street. <br /> <br />This item was tabled at the November 6, 2006 meeting. Motion was made to <br />remove the item from the table by Fran Neeley, seconded by Bobby Myers. <br />Motion carried by a vote of 7 ayes and 0 nays. <br /> <br />Motion was made to approve the zoning request by Brad Archer, seconded by <br />Bobby Myers. Motion carried by a vote of 7 ayes and 0 nays. <br /> <br />5. Public Hearing to consider the petition of Shirley Posey for a change in zoning <br />from an Agricultural District (A) to a One-Family Dwelling District No.3 (SF-3) <br />With Specific Use Permit (39) Mobile Home on Lot 13-F, City Block 324, (10.01 <br />acres) being number 3100 Old Tigertown Road. <br /> <br />The public hearing was declared open. <br /> <br />There was no one present to speak in favor of the petition. <br /> <br />Dee Houston, 2190 Tigertown Road, spoke in opposition to the request stating <br />that trailers accumulates too much rift-raft. He has been living there for forty <br />years and they are country folks and would like to keep it that way. Once the <br />zoning is passed, there is no end to trailers coming into the area. <br /> <br />T . <br />
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