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<br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />December 11,2006 <br />Page 6 <br /> <br />taken care of. She asked Council to follow through with getting the rest of the water rights to <br />Pat Mayse. <br /> <br />Dr. Bert Strom, 4025 Holbrook - spoke on behalf of the medical community in support <br />of Tony Williams. <br /> <br />Dr. Richard Bercher, 1040-31 st S.E. - spoke on behalf of the medical community in <br />support of Tony Williams. He stated that Mr. Williams was a qualified, experienced city <br />manager who possessed the knowledge to help Council make balanced and fair decisions for <br />the citizens of Paris. He encouraged Council to do what was best for the citizens and <br />encouraged them to work with Tony Williams. <br /> <br />Jerry Bawcum, 60 Greenwood Lane - spoke on behalf of a large group of small business <br />owners. He stated that he had confidence in how the City had been managed under Tony <br />Williams' tenure as City Manager. He outlined accomplishments under Tony's tenure as being <br />property tax reductions, employee morale improvement and a complete transformation of the <br />city's financial condition. <br /> <br />Dr. Robert Moseley, 3915 Shannon Street - spoke against the coal power plants and <br />cited medical reasons. <br /> <br />Ray Banks, 3450 Robin Road - he stated Mr. Williams was given credit for programs <br />that were already in the planning stages before he was hired. He complained that Mr. <br />Williams did not go to Council for guidance prior to trying to close the two fire stations. <br /> <br />Walt Brown, 354 W. Washington - stated he, his brother and mother had businesses in <br />Paris. He said downtown Paris is having a renaissance and he does not believe that would be <br />taking place, had it not been for Mr. Williams exemplary service as city manager. He asked <br />Council to have the courage to keep Mr. Williams. <br /> <br />James Allcorn, 870 S.E.-41st - he stated the issue wasn't Tony Williams, but the issue <br />was the Council. He stated that Mr. Williams inherited a mess and that he had gotten finances <br />back in line. <br /> <br />Lynette O'Brien, 3195 Ridgeview - she stated that she supported Tony Williams, that <br />he was doing a good job and that they needed to keep him. <br /> <br />Ben Vaughn, 1225 20th S.E. - stated he was very much impressed with the job Tony <br />Williams had done, with the changes he had made in Paris, and his management decisions. <br /> <br />Jim Brunette, 350 S.E. 31 st - he told Council that until they trust each other, they will not <br />be able to work for the betterment ofthe City. He advocated for the city manager to have a two <br />