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Charter Study Committee <br />January 26, 2007 <br />Page 5 <br />dealing with emergencies. Chairperson Cecil said he thought they should revisit the issue, <br />because of the items that came up at a recent council meeting regarding emergencies. <br />David Nabors expressed concern about possible abuse should they leave the emergency <br />language in the section. Bobby Walters said it still had to be approved by Council. David <br />Hamilton stated the provision had safeguards in place. It was a consensus of the <br />Committee to remove the language regarding emergencies, as previously amended. <br />Chairperson Cecil directed the Committee to Section 70 for consideration. <br />Section 70 (Transfers of appropriations). Ernie Clark told the Committee that <br />most contingencies did not have a ninety day provision at the end of the budget year. <br />Monte Akers said if had he realized there was a ninety day provision, he would have <br />recommended deleting it. <br />Charles Waldrum made a motion to delete the ninety day provision and David <br />Hamilton seconded the motion. Motion carried, 9 ayes - 0 nays. <br />Section 62 (Bond ordinance and election). Charles Richards suggested deleting <br />the words "property taxpaying," because it implies only people owning property could vote. <br />David Nabors made a motion to delete the words "property taxpaying" and David <br />Hamilton seconded the motion. Motion carried, 9 ayes - 0 nays. <br />Section 64 (Advertising and sale of bonds). Charles Waldrum proposed <br />language that would allow the City to sell bonds in an advantageous manner, as well as <br />free the City from having to purchase the notice in the newspaper. <br />David Nabors made a motion to accept the language proposed by Charles Waldrum <br />and Marva Joe seconded the motion. Motion carried, 9 ayes - 0 nays. <br />Section 65 (Creation of sinking fund and investments). Monte Akers informed <br />the Committee that he had spoken with Gene Anderson. He stated the section was <br />antiquated. He referred the Committee to the language proposed by Charles Waldrum and <br />suggested that the wording "bonds of the State of Texas, or in securities of the United <br />States, or such funds may be used for the purchase of the bonds or warrants fo the City <br />of Paris which are not yet due" be deleted and the wording "in accordance with the City's <br />investment policy and the Public Funds Investment Act" added in its place. <br />Subject to the changes suggested by Monte Akers, Louise Hagood made a motion <br />to accept the language proposed by Charles Waldrum and Robert High seconded the <br />motion. Motion carried, 9 ayes - 0 nays. <br />Section 96 (Council Ballots). Charles Richards proposed language for amending <br />