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Texas Parks & Wildlife Department <br />Texas Recreational Trails Fund <br />elements proposed in the project accessible to users <br />who are physically andlor mentally disabled. All <br />trailhead parking facilities, trail bridges, and <br />restrooms developed with grant assistance must be <br />fully accessible. To the greatest extent possible, <br />trails intended for use by pedestrians should be <br />accessible to people using wheelchairs, whether <br />manual or motorized. Projects in developed areas <br />should place particular emphasis on accessibility. <br />Sponsors will need to justify why it is not feasible to <br />make trails fully accessible. <br />Sometimes physical limitations of the trail corridor <br />site do not allow for total accessibility. However, land <br />managers are encouraged to incorporate accessible <br />features when they do not negatively impact the <br />environment. When a sponsor proposes accessible <br />facilities above and beyond that required by law, it <br />will make the application more competitive and <br />increase its potential for funding. <br />SUBMISSION, REVIEW, AND SELECTION OF <br />PROJECTS <br />Project applicants shall submit an original and 12 <br />copies of the Project Application and applicable <br />support documentation, including one original 7.5 <br />minute U.S.G.S. quad map(s) with the project drawn, <br />to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, <br />Recreational Trails Program, 4200 Smith School <br />Road, Austin, Texas, 78744, postmarked by June <br />15' of each year. <br />Review and Evaluation Process <br />The project applications will be reviewed for <br />completeness and eligibility prior to the being <br />reviewed for quality. The Texas Trails Advisory <br />Board will assist TPWD staff in selecting a slate of <br />recommended projects to be presented to the Texas <br />Parks and Wildlife Commission for final selection. <br />Project applicants will be notified in writing of their <br />project's selection or disapproval after the <br />Commission action. <br />Criteria for Selecting Projects <br />The Texas Trails Advisory Board and Texas Parks <br />and Wildlife Department staff will evaluate projects in <br />terms of their overall quality, ability to serve <br />recreational needs, cost-effectiveness, benefits, <br />community support, innovation, geographic scope <br />and distribution, and accommodation of barrier free <br />access. <br />The cost-effectiveness criteria rewards those <br />projects which accomplish a lot with a little amount of <br />funding as well as those projects which propose a <br />greater proportion of basic trail work as opposed to <br />support facilities, design and engineering. Basic trail <br />work includes tasks such as trail layout, vegetation <br />clearing, bridges, work on the trail tread (shaping, <br />drainage structures, surfacing, steps, and erosion <br />control), retaining walls, and acquisition of trail <br />corridor. Trailside and trailhead facilities are <br />considered support facilities because they are not <br />providing direct recreation opportunities. <br />Projects which serve multiple, compatible trail users <br />will be given priority as will projects undertaken with <br />partnerships due to their ability to build <br />constituencies for trail projects. <br />Projects in which the sponsor is willing to provide <br />more than the minimum 20% match will also be <br />given preference depending upon the extent of over- <br />match committed. <br />Resubmission <br />Sponsors whose projects are not selected and <br />approved for funding may resubmit their proposals <br />for consideration in the next cycle by notifying TPWD <br />prior to the deadline which has been set for that <br />cycle. Sponsors may wish to modify their proposals <br />to give them a better chance of achieving a higher <br />ranking. Sponsors must submit 13 total copies of <br />the application and accompanying materials, even if <br />resubmitting with no changes. <br />PUBLIC SUPPORT OR OPPOSITION TO A <br />PROJECT <br />Documented public support or opposition to a project <br />will be considered by the Texas Trails Advisory <br />Board during the evaluation of projects and <br />recommendations for funding. Resolutions of <br />support from local political entities are not required to <br />submit a project proposal for funding or to receive <br />funding. However, if opposition to a project arises to <br />the extent that a political subdivision, within whose <br />jurisdiction the project falls, passes a resolution <br />opposing funding of the project, that will be sufficient <br />cause to not select the project. A resolution of <br />opposition would also be grounds to rescind funding <br />for a previously funded project if the resolution is <br />received prior to the start of construction. <br />vi <br />