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<br />Division 46 <br />Streets and Highways <br />2006-2007 Budget <br />The Director of Public Works is the administrative officer for this division of the Public Works Department. Personnel in this <br />division maintain all city streets, right-of-ways, and drainage facilities to ensure proper drainage and safe and continuous <br />traffic flow. A priority of the Street Division each year is the planning and implementation of a preventative maintenance <br />program consisting of applying chip-seal to a portion of the streets. As funding permits, the hot-mix overlay of several miles <br />of street each year and the upgrading of gravel and unimproved streets are accomplished. Street sweeping of the major <br />thoroughfares, collector streets, and residential streets is provided throughout the year to maintain cleanliness in the city. <br />Division 48 <br />Traffic and Public Lighting <br />The Director of Public Works is the administrative officer for this division of the Public Works Department. Personnel in this <br />division are responsible for the construction, operation, and maintenance of the city's traffic control devices. Pavement <br />markings, signs, and signals are maintained for the safe and efficient flow of traffic. Streetlights are funded through this <br />department. <br />Division 49 <br />Garage <br />The Director of Public Works is the administrative officer for this division of the Public Works Department. Employees of this <br />division are responsible for the maintenance and servicing of city owned vehicles, equipment, and machinery. <br />Division 54 <br />Emergency Medical Service <br />The EMS Administrator under the direction of the Fire Chief is the administrative officer for this division of the Fire <br />Department. Employees of this division provide emergency and non-emergency ambulance service within the city and to the <br />rural areas and other cities of Lamar County through a contractual relationship with Lamar County. Long distance <br />ambulance transportation is provided for patients requiring treatment or facilities not available in Paris. Three ambulances <br />are staffed and equipped at the Mobile Intensive Care Unit level around the clock. A fourth ambulance provides non- <br />emergency transportation form 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. A call crew is available around the <br />clock by beeper. Office personnel of theis division are responsible for the billing and collection of the EMS Acounts <br />receivable. The EMS Division coordinates, trains and promotes the First Responder Program throughout Lamar County and <br />also promotes the Think Child Safety Program, Think Senior Safety Program, and the Mobile Safety Vehicle Program. <br />Department Description 2007 Adopted Budget <br />