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REVENUE BOND REQU[REMENTS FOR DEBT SERVICE: <br />l~'ater Forks and Se~~~er Svstern <br />Revenue Bonds 1997 ~~ 428.87~.UU <br />~~'ater Works and Se~~~er S~~stem <br />FZevc:nuc Bonds 1998 ~ 866.870.OU <br />Tar and Rerenu~ Bonds 1998 S 72~.~4~.00 <br />`Waste ~~'ater ~ Se~v er <br />Revenue Bonds 2000 ~ 889.; l O.OU <br />~l~as and Re~~enue Bonds 2001 $ 619.89j.00 <br />E~ef~lllldln~ E3undS ~~)~)~ `~ 426_xO0.00 <br />"total Bond Kec~uirements <br />Grand Total <br />~ ~.9>6.8».UO <br />~ 12,4~3,14~4.00 <br />Section b. That the su-~~ of $3,9~6.8~5.00 is hereby appropriated out of the Water and <br />Sewer Revenue Bond Fund for the purpose ol~ paying accrued interest and making the principal <br />payments as the same mature on the Water and Se«-er Revenue Bonds. and creating the prescribed <br />contingent and reser~~e find therefor. <br />Section 7. That the sum of $2,404.000.00 is hereby authorized out of the Economic <br />Development Fund for payment of operating expenses and capital outlay 1'or the Paris Economic <br />Development Corporation. as hereinaf-ter itemized: <br />ECONOMIC DEVF,LOPMENT FUND: <br />Economic Development $ 2,404.000.00 <br />Total <br />~ z,aoa,ooo.oo <br />Section 8. That the sum of $132.487.00 is hereby appropriated out of the Special Revenue <br />Fund i-or payment of miscellaneous legally restricted fees and costs. as hereb}~ itemized: <br />SPECIAL REVENUE FUND: $ 1>2,487.OU <br />Total <br />132,187.00 <br />Section 9. That the sum of $875.801,OU is hereby appropriated nut of the Health <br />Department Fund administered by the Cit}' of Paris on behalf of the Paris-Lamar County Health <br />t_Init. for pa~men~ of operating expenses and capital uutla~ for the Paris-Lamar C'ount~~ Health <br />Unit, as hcreh~ itemized: <br />HEALTH UEP,4RTMEN'C FOND: <br />Paris-l_a-t~ar County Health Unit ~ 87.801 .OU <br />Total <br />875,801.00 <br />Section 10. That the sum of ~ l ,~ 19? 12.00 is hereb~~ appropriated out of the Grant Fund <br />for payment of operating expenses and capital outlay as hereby itemized: <br />