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MAIN STREET DIVISION <br />01-0306-40-01 Travel Expenses <br />I have requested an increase in this line item from $1,500.00 to $2,500.00. As part of the <br />City's contract to participate in the Main Street Program through the Texas Historical <br />Commission, the Main Street Manager is required to attend a minimum of two (2) <br />conferences annually. The proposed conferences/workshops in the next fiscal year include <br />the following: <br />Texas Downtown Revitalization Conference, October 16-19, 2007, Ft. Worth, TX - <br />est. $1,000.00 <br />The Texas Downtown Association hosts an annual conference, and this year the <br />conference is scheduled for Ft. Worth. Mileage to attend the event will be at least <br />$150.00. to $175.00. We have not been notified of a hotel selection as of yet; <br />therefore, we are anticipating a nightly rate of approximately $85.00 to $115.00, tax <br />not included. Per diem is at the rate of $51.00 per day. <br />2. National Main Street Conference (Springy in Philadelphia, PA -est. $1,200.00 <br />The Main Street Manager has never attended the annual conference; therefore, we are <br />proposing to exchange one in-state conference for the National conference because <br />we have discovered that the cost of attending National is relatively the same as <br />attending the annual in-state Main Street Conference. Around-trip airline ticket to <br />the conference will be approximately $350.00, which is roughly the same cost as <br />driving to Austin or a location of similar distance (the annual Main Street <br />conferences are usually held at locations roughly this distance from Paris). The hotel <br />rate has not yet been negotiated by the National Main Street Program; however, we <br />do not anticipate that it will be higher than the standard usually negotiated for <br />conferences, ranging anywhere from $85:00 to $115.00 per night, tax not included. <br />Per diem for 4 days will be $204.00 ($51.00/day, which is the same per diem rate for <br />Dallas). <br />Texas Capital Fund Workshop, date and location not yet set - $300.00 <br />The Community Development Department will be proposing an application for a <br />Texas Capital Fund Grant to improve the sidewalks in the Main Street District. The <br />City made application for a Statewide Transportation Enhancement Funding (STEP) <br />Grant last year for the same purpose; however, State funding was eliminated for these <br />kinds of programs; therefore, this grant will be used to replace that lost funding. In <br />order to make application attendance at the TCF workshop is required. Although a <br />location has not yet been set, estimated mileage and per diem is expected to be at <br />least $200.00 to $250.00 for the one day workshop. <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />/~' ~ ~' ~' <br />