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<br />08/02/2007 08:37 <br /> <br />9037841798 <br /> <br />CITY OF PARIS <br /> <br />PAGE B5/B5 <br /> <br />CJTY OF -PARrS <br />COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT <br />P. O. Box 9037 . f:Jaris, Tex~s 75461 . 903-78~.9234 <br /> <br />:1,. <br /> <br />APPUCATrON FORZONJNG CHANGE <br /> <br />ForOfflce US:'Dn.'Y RequeSt Number@n-DiQ <br />, IN'I t I \ "l cell ~ \ <br />Date Rcvd: I..-/U h L Mlg Dale:'- (:,l d-GO~ <br /> <br />TYPE OF ACTION REQUESTED: <br /> <br />~ Zoning Change <br />( <br /> <br />o Specific Use Permit <br /> <br />PROPERTY INFORMATION: <br />Address: 2<6/0 5-j-ifl hOLA.$e... 72otA-{.! a ri's 'Ie- Y-ct S <br /> <br />Name of Business or Buildfng'(if applicable>.: 'f( ("'c;; (d,.e-h(..e-.s () Ii\- 5.11'( l ~WUse.. '1(Ott-4 <br /> <br />Lot SIock Subdiv;sionAlJ8 b R 12lAS5ell S~(Ve.-y-rrO--c..+ 2S-~ <br />~ . /) <br />CUrrenl Zonlno: U f(&uJiure- . p"'po.ed Z"nin.: . r- ~ F.- I <br />WhaliS/he *;;":5'"" u~ of lIle property? ~tLf-j' "^-t /0---+ lA.N. ts 1iiv- reo; i d...U\. ts aVo"", S5" 'f'1:; YJ: <br /> <br />Describe lhe charade' and/or relu", of use. of surrounding property. Df'- "'5 e- <br /> <br />o Planned Development <br />-( <br />'~ <br /> <br />WiIIlhe 'a-zoned de'ignation 6. compatible with Ihe ClaSSifiCOtiOn. and use of adjoining landS?@NO <br />If No, how do you propose 10 rElduce any adverse impact? <br /> <br />IS fhe frnet unsuitable for uses permitted under the present zoning classjficalion? ~/ No <br />If No, why are you requesting a change in fhe permitting uses? <br /> <br />OWNERlAPPUCANT INPORMA TION, (lryou ~....." '_.' ""m~".n '"''''Om''' """"'~ ".""" ,,""'.., """'......... """,""", ...",_. <br />Ih. '...... "",., "'....II.. "'. p'~/""n '-'ON/, Vir.., ..n...."'w/de'.... ""II""". ...."....... "11M "'_ ._ully_.......""'" <br />-~ , <br />Applicant's Name: ~ il~ il1t} I1S5 oci O-tLS - 1).r 7 Cl ri~LfcJ ., <br />J .. <br />Applicant's Add....: fO{:?1 V li-f'\, 73 uI"-"'r -Ho 1A6 -Iv '" 1)(.7/01? Phone, 'l {3 _ 5 L 7- - '-f ( Lf L <br />, <br /> <br />Property Owner's Name: \ VlA.S {rtJ1 ,/t-s.s ocio.:1es ()~rpo.. ,l's L+d.. <br />Property Owne!'s Addre..: JO I 0 V"-,,,13 Llle.n. +fo uS*,,,, 7Y (70 I ~ Phon,,'ll3 __ 52- 2 - '-f ( Lf L <br />..................................................................................................... <br />,RFQUIRED SUSM,nALS (check those items which are InclUded): <br />;s.Completed application signed by the oWner/applicant If Planned Development requeSted, incluae also: <br />o Copy of a deed with metes and bounds 0 FOur (4) copies of a preliminary site plan <br />o Permission letter from owner <br />o Copy of contract 10 purChase the property <br /> <br />J have ce..fully read Ihe COmplete applicatioo and know lf1e .ame I. '''"' and corred. I hereby agree '0 comply .,;Ih all prov~lon' of local, <br />Slale. and F ral Laws ";11 ba complied wilh. whelh., h",,"lo 'pee/fiod .. no!. I ="11y 'hn, I om 'he OW".. "ihe aboVe p'openy 0' his <br />dUly aul/'} , l. <br /> <br /> <br />AddrCl3S; {o 13 V O--~ 13lAJr4"-lHX.(S-h'1A.-~ 11014 <br />Phone Number; r'J 13 S 2- 7-- -l.-f I 4:1 <br />Fax Number. '113 5 "2.:2..-:- 'J..r'Z-J~~........o"........___....~......~....:;.r..r..r..r..r.,;: <br /> <br />SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEI'ORE ME Ih;, J2. dey of It . w. ~ T2Q 1".. '0, Q ELlA ELIZONDO <br />- ..:.. ' /'/ /! . ~ ~ Y PUBLIC STATE OF TEXA: <br />ALJG I 5 200/ , ~1\._/ ~ MMISSIONEXPIRES <br /> <br />