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• Establishing goals and objectives; <br />Concentrating on limited issues; <br />• Developing general policy recommendations; and <br />• Implementing specific actions. <br />Integral to the process of selecting goals and objectives is the acknowledgment <br />that there are restraints on the program and activities selected for inclusion. Besides the <br />legal restrictions that dictate how the sales tax revenues can be spent, there is the reality <br />that to be successful the efforts of the Corporation must be targeted. <br />The PEDC Strategic Plan is founded on the retention, expansion, and attraction <br />of industrial /manufacturing activity. This economic sector offers Paris the best <br />potential to expand and diversify its economic base, thereby creating and upgrading job <br />opportunities and the Paris quality of life. The development and attraction of primary <br />employers performing value- adding services and drawing new dollars from outside the <br />immediate, limited confines of the Paris market will best accomplish this long -term <br />objective. <br />The long term commitment to economic development will be focused in the <br />following areas: <br />• The retention and expansion of existing industry. <br />• The marketing of Paris to recruit new industry. <br />• The coordination and cooperation of all Paris entities to encourage the <br />entrepreneurial spirit for start -up business and small business <br />development. <br />• The development of the community's infrastructure and training to <br />support industry. <br />Attached here is the PEDC Strategic Plan reflecting the above long term <br />objectives and the Budget to implement the Plan for your consideration. <br />Best Regards, <br />Pete Kampfer <br />Executive Director, PEDC <br />