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.F_~.(_=; ~h~+a.~~ .P., `i""t~~ <br />~...H : - c-•- --y .-~e . r, .P.. '.~k rx 6~.F ~ _ t. k _ ~ -e = • - • - <br />1~ part of the LARKIN R~1TT~N SURV~Y within the corporate limits of the City of Paris, <br />on the North side of jdest Washington Sc~reet, in City Block No. 135; described by metes and <br />bounds as follows: ' <br />EEGINNING aC the•intersection of the NB line of West Washington Street with the WB Iine of 4th 5treet SW (formerly Travis S~reet); <br />TiiENCL NORTI~ with the WIi line ot 4th StreeC SW 273 feet, a stake; <br />THENCE WEST 488 feeC, a stake in Clie LI~ 1.ine oI StI~ Street SW (~ormerly Baker Street); <br />TI~IENCE SOUTII wie:li Lhc EI~ Iine oI 5rh Stree~ SW 273 feet, a stake at iCs intersection <br />witll tl~e NII line oL' West Washington Stree~; <br />THENCL EAST wiL}1 tl~e NB line of Wes~ WashingCon Street 488 feet to tl~e place of be- ginning, and being the-same property described in deed dated August 20, 1919, of record <br />in Book 114, Page 272, Lama~ Caunty Deed Records; reference being made~to all .the above <br />mentioned instruments and records for all necessary purposes; <br />~ EXHIBIT "A" <br />. ~ • ' ~ . ~ ~ ~ . - ~ <br />. . . . ~ • ~ • ~ - . ~ . ~ . . ~ <br />