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Mr. Shawn Napier, P.E. <br />July 18, 2007 <br />Page 3 , <br />Task 3 -1=acility Well Inventory <br />WBC will conduct an inventory of existing facility monitor wells and piezameters as <br />required by the TCEQ. According to TCEQ files, there may be 26 facility wells on or <br />adjacent to the landfill. Based an WBC's review of the case files, there maybe more wells <br />at the site. For all located facility wells, each well's coordinates, depth, water level, well <br />condition, and repair/plugging recommendations will be recorded. This task assumes the <br />City will provide a surveyor with a GPS unit to accompany WBC's inventory technician <br />for about two days and record well coordinates. The City's surveyor costs are not <br />included in this proposal. Consistent with previous City proposal requests, the City's <br />surveyor will invoice the City directly, <br />Task 4 -Groundwater Sampling and Analyses Events <br />Ta determine if groundwater contamination issues persist, two consecutive quarterly <br />groundwater.sampling-events will~be-completed in the five landfill monitoring~~vells and <br />14 piezameters requested by the TCEQ in ,1898. WBC will provide an experienced <br />sampler and all necessary sampling equipment to complete the field portion of this task., <br />Immediately prior to purging and sampling, water levels and methane gas concentrations <br />will be measured. in l 9 wells and piezometers at-the site. The piezometers will be purged <br />and sampled in accordance with standard practices and consistent with recent events. <br />Groundwater samples. wild be collected from monitoring wells MW-1, MW-2, MW-3, <br />MW-~, MW-5, and piezozneters MW-4A, MW-SA, P-l, P-2, P-3, P-4, P-5, P-6, P-9, P- <br />10A, P-11, P-12, P-13, and P-l~. Samples collected each day will be shipped overnight to <br />Test America (formerly Sevem Trent Laboratories in Austin and analyzed for the 47 <br />VOCs listed by the TCEQ in Chapter 330 and ammonia (consistent with past events and <br />the TCEQ directive). Test America will provide signed laboratory reports with associated <br />laboratory QA/QC data and the required TCEQ report forms. The estimated labaxatary <br />cost includes the quality control analyses of one field blank, one trip blank, and one <br />duplicate sample. Field purging and sampling data will be recorded by WBG an individual <br />well data sheets anal chain-of custody forms. WBC estimates about three days will be <br />required to purge anal sample the 19 wells and piezameters, package and ship the samples, <br />and complete the required documentation. Consistent with previous City proposal <br />requests, Test America laboratory will contract directly with the City of Paris for service <br />payment. This proposal includes the estimated City cost (at standard turnaround time <br />without WBC subcontractor markup) for the proposed analytical services. <br />Task 5 -Project Status Report <br />After receiving the analytical data from the two WBC sampling events, WBC will prepare <br />a project status report summarizing the project activities completed between January 1998 <br />and early 2008. The report will include the WBC and EMCON-collected information <br />Q~1G(TYOFPARlStPROPOSALICN'AROAOS~tLO1.01.pOC ~/,~~~~y ~"B~,(~~x~~~?~'~ <br />