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Thence South 88°01'47" East along the North Boundary Line of Lamar Ave. a distance of 76.73 feet to <br />the place of beginning and containing 0.723 acres, 31,473.95 square feet of land. <br />I, J.M. Neison, Registered Professional Land Surveyor of Texas, #4025, certify to Peoples Bank, <br />that the above described tract of land was taken from an actual survey made on the ground and <br />completed by me on the 13th day of November, 2007, that the Plat, the Fieid Notes, and the <br />Legend/General Notes, are to be one document and are to be recorded as one, that there doesn't appear <br />to be any visible easements or encroachments other than those shown thereon, and that this tract of land <br />does appear to lie in a flood zone as indicated by Community Panel No.480891 0004 B of the Flood <br />Insurance Rate Maps. <br />~ <br />J.M. Nelson, RPLS of Texas, #4025 date <br />Page of <br />