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Regular City Council Meeting <br />January 14, 2008 <br />Page 3 <br />not have any impact on un-permitted water, because he did not think there was un-permitted water. <br />With regard to an impact of entering into an Agreement on the State reallocation of permitted water, <br />Mr. Mathews said he did not believe it would have a significant impact. He said the State did have <br />the right to cancel water rights if there had been ten years of non use. Mr. Mathews stated there were <br />exceptions that had been added to the cancellation provisions of the Water Code that expressly except <br />from cancellation of water rights that are permitted through a reservoir and that is funded in part by <br />the permit water. He went on to say the City of Paris had a water right in Pat Mayse that is predicated <br />on the Corp of Engineer Contract, because the City paid a portion of the construction costs of the <br />reservoir. Mr. Mathews informed Council he was not overly concerned about a cancellation of the <br />City's water rights. <br />Council Member Wilson said he understood there was a tremendous amount of water going <br />over the spillway. He further said the outflow tube was at 451 and in the year 2001 an average <br />amount of 151 million gallons a day of water went over the spillway. Council Member Wilson <br />suggested raising the conservation pool three or four feet, and not raising the dam. He said it would <br />his understanding there was anyone down stream and that all Irving was asking for was four feet. Mr. <br />Mathews said if the premises were correct, that from a water rights standpoint it was a matter of going <br />through the notice and amending the permit. He also said TCEQ could be difficult at times. <br />Council Member Strathern said the engineer he spoke to said if they raise it, they would be <br />flooding more land. He said he thought they were in too big of a hurry entering into the MOU and <br />that he would rather the City of Paris come up with the money to pay for the study. He went on to <br />say they had received information that he did not believe was correct. <br />Council Member Brown said he did not understand why they needed to delay it, because they <br />were just trying to get the engineer studies started. Mr. Mathews confirmed the MOU did not <br />commit the City of Paris to sign a contract with the City of Irving at the end of the day. It commits <br />the City of Paris to direct staff to develop a contract that would be brought back to the them and to <br />the Irving City Council, and if both parties decide it is a good deal for them they could go forward. <br />He said he was not there to sell them on the MOU, but to give his assessment of legal issues <br />associated with the MOU. <br />Mayor Freelen stated Council had discussed this item with the attorney, received advice from <br />the attorney and it was time to decide whether or not Council wanted to take any action. <br />A Motion to enter into the MOU with the City of Irving was made by Council Member Biard <br />and seconded by Council Member Brown. <br />Mayor Freelen asked if there was any discussion. <br />Council Member Biard and Council Member Fisher said they wanted discussion. Council <br />Member Biard said he wanted to make it clear they were just entering into the MOU to study the <br />feasibility. He said that no one knew if there was water available that could be sold to the City of <br />