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zoned areas of property that exceeds four acres. Barbed wire fences will not be permitted adjacent <br />to residential zoned property at it applies to agricultural lots. <br />(a)(7) The Committee decided on 100'. <br />(8) Items a, b. (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) were deleted. <br />(b) fence heights: <br />(1) was deleted <br />(2) a. thirty-six inches was changed to forty inches. <br />4. Staff updates on junk vehicles enforcement for Task Force. <br />Lisa Wright handed out a memorandum to the Task Force advising of the procedure that will <br />used for the upcoming junked vehicles push. She also provided the Task Force with a copy of the <br />courtesy door hanger that will be used. She advised that the door hangers should be delivered next <br />week something, and that the push would begin shortly thereafter. She told the Task Force that no <br />other code enforcement cases would be worked during this period unless they were deemed an <br />immediate hazard. <br />Chairman Wilson inquired if staff needed volunteers to ride with them and log information <br />into the computer. Lisa Wright said there were potential liability issues with citizens riding along; <br />however, because the way the courtesy notice was designed, it would only take the code enforcement <br />officer a few minutes to complete each address. She stated that it would be most beneficial for staff <br />to have volunteers to come to the office to log information into the computer from the courtesy <br />notices issued by staff. Chairman Wilson asked if there were any volunteers. Cheryt Moore, <br />Marilyn Bellevance, Bruce Frazier, Bee Garmon, and Chairman Wilson volunteered to help staff. <br />Citizen Benny Gray also volunteered to help. <br />5. Discussion of demolition by neglect. <br />Chairman Wilson advised the Task Force that this was on the agenda should anyone have any <br />questions. He said he believed they could accomplish the goal by making some minor amendments <br />to existing ordinances. Lisa Wright added that she had spoken with the Chairman of the Historic <br />Preservation Commission, and they were going to look at this issue again at their meeting on the <br />fourth Monday of this month to recommend revisions to the historic preservation ordinance. She <br />recommended that, since the HPC was the group requesting the changes, the Task Force wait and <br />put this back on their agenda next month. <br />6. Request items for future agendas. <br />Chairman Wilson scheduled the next meeting for Tuesday, January 22°d at 5:00 p.m. He <br />stated at the next meeting they would discuss fences in the front yard. He asked staff to research <br />