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CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS <br />CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REQUEST <br />In addition to the four GRIP surcharges, base rates charged to customers served by Atmos Mid- <br />Tex have increased as the result of two system-wide cost of service rate filings since 2004. The <br />Company's current request to increase base rates would be the third system-wide cost of service <br />increase for customers in Atmos Mid-Tex's service area since 2004. <br />In the most recent cost of service rate request, GUD No. 9670, the Railroad Commission of <br />Texas ("RRC" or "Commission") issued an order in March, 2007, approving new system-wide <br />rates for customers of Atmos Mid-Tex. Residential customers were impacted disproportionally <br />by the Commission's final order, with residential rates increasing by $10 million annually, <br />despite an overall system-wide rate increase of $5 million. <br />System-wide rates charged to residential customers in the Atmos Mid-Tex region were also <br />increased by several million dollars in 2004 in GUD No. 9400. In GUD Nos. 9400 and 9670, the <br />hearings examiners that heard the testimony and evaluated the evidence recommended that rates <br />be reduced for customers. However, in both cases, the Railroad Commission reversed key <br />decisions of its own hearings examiners, ultimately issuing final orders that approved rate <br />increases instead of the recommended rate reductions. <br />Reasons Justifying Settlement: <br />During the time that the City has retained original jurisdiction in this case, consultants <br />working on behalf of ACSC members have investigated the support for the Company's requested <br />rate increase. While the evidence does not support the $52 million increase requested by the <br />Company, ACSC consultants agree that the Company can justify an increase in revenues of at <br />least $8 million and that there is a reasonably high probability that the RRC would award an <br />increase of at least $10 million. <br />A contested case proceeding before the RRC on the Company's current application will <br />take several months and cost ratepayers millions of dollars in rate case expenses and would not <br />likely produce a request more favorable than that to be produced by the settlement. The ACSC <br />Executive Committee recommends that ACSC members take action to approve the Settlement <br />Agreement. This Settlement Agreement achieves several desirable outcomes, including: <br />• Reverses rate design decisions that unfairly impact residential ratepayers <br />• Does away with piecemeal ratemaking problems inherent to the GRIP surcharge process <br />• Eliminates exposure to potential court reversal of the multi-million dollar Poly-1 Pipe <br />disallowance (Atmos' issue on appeal in Docket No. 9400) <br />• Avoids uncertainty and potential negative consequences of Railroad Commission rate <br />review (in the two most recent rate cases affecting Atmos Mid-Tex customers, the <br />Commission has reversed rate reductions recommended by its own hearings examiners in <br />favor of rate increases) <br />• Implements an expedited rate review process that includes the cities and allows review of <br />all aspects of Atmos' cost of service <br />