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SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT <br />STATEMENT OF INTENT FILED BY ATMOS ENERGY, CORP., <br />MID-TEX DIVISION ON SEPTEMBER 20, 2007 <br />the proof of revenues attached as Exhibit B. Atmos and the ACSC Cities further agree <br />that the rates, terms, and conditions reflected in Exhibit A to this Settlement Agreement <br />comply with the rate-setting requirements of Chapter 104 of the Texas Utilities Code. <br />The gas rates, terms and conditions established by this Settlement Agreement shall be <br />effective for bills rendered on or after March 1, 2008. <br />2. The net plant amounts shown in the attached Exhibit B are reasonable for the plant that is <br />used and useful in providing gas utility service. <br />3. Included as part of Exhibit A is a Rate Review Mechanism ("Rider RRM") that provides <br />for an annual rate adjustment to reflect changes in billing determinants, operating and <br />maintenance expense, depreciation expense, other taxes expense, and revenues as well as <br />changes in capital investment and associated changes in gross revenue related taxes. <br />Atmos agrees that effective with the implementation of the first RRM rate adjustment, <br />Atmos shall file with the ACSC Cities a revised Rate R-Residential Sales Tariff to reduce <br />the customer charge per bill from $10.69 per month to $7.00 per month and to increase <br />the volumetric portion of the rate (shown as $1.271 in Exhibit A) to the appropriate level <br />to reflect reduction in customer charge from $10.69 to $7.00, as well as to reflect any <br />change resulting from the RRM implementation. The first RRM rate adjustment is <br />expected to occw October 1, 2008. Atmos and the ACSC Cities agree that following the <br />initial RRM adjustment any subsequent implementation of RRM adjustments shall be <br />supported as described in the Rider RRM, and shall limit changes to residential and <br />commercial customer charge to no more than 20%. Further, the parties agree that any <br />approved adjustment in excess of the 20% limitation on the residential and commercial <br />customer chaxge shall be recovered through the volumetric portion of the rate. <br />4. With respect to the RRM, Atmos and the ACSC Cities agree that the rate increase <br />limita.tions set forth in Rider RRM under Calculation of Rate Adjustment, subpart (c) <br />shall not preclude Atmos from recovering any excluded costs during a subsequent <br />Evaluation Period in which the 5% limitation for O&M expenses or net plant investment, <br />respectively, is not reached or in a subsequent Statement of Intent case. To the extent <br />that Atmos seeks to recover any excluded costs during a subsequent Evaluation Period in <br />which the 5% limitation for O&M expenses or net plant investment, respectively, is not <br />reached or in a subsequent Statement of Intent case, Atmos sha11 identify these costs as a <br />specific line item in the schedule accompanying the RRM rate adjustment filing. <br />5. With respect to the RRM, Atmos further agrees to pay all reasonable and necessary <br />expenses of each entity having original jurisdiction that aze incurred to review the <br />Company's annual RRM filings. Atmos further agrees that in calculating the proposed <br />rate for any Rate Effective Period, the Company shall not include: (1) any external legal, <br />expert, or consultant costs to prepare and/or provide supportive information related to its <br />filing; or (2) reimbursements to original jurisdiction entities. <br />6. Notwithstanding paragraph 5 of this Settlement Agreement, Atmos and ACSC agree that <br />in the event of an appeal of an original jurisdiction entity's decision regarding a proposed <br />RRM adjustment, recovery of rate case expenses shall be determined according to <br />Chapters 103 and 104, 'IEx. UTIL. CoDE Ar1N. Further, in the event of such appeal(s), <br />2 <br />~ . . . _ . . . . _ , <br />