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CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS <br />CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REQUEST <br />FISCAL AUTHORITY: <br />Not applicable. <br />LEGAL REVIEW: <br />N/A <br />MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: <br />Recommend approval as presented. The ability to attract, retain, and motivate <br />quality employees is critical to the success and efficiency of the City. The proposed <br />plan addresses five concerns created by the Z Plan. First, by extending the timeline <br />from 5 years to 20 the amount of time it takes a position to "top out," employees who <br />remain in grade have an incentive to stay with the City, thus benefiting the City by <br />reducing recruitment and training costs and retaining experienced people. Second, it <br />eliminates instances where two people with the same experience and credentials <br />doing the same job and receiving different pay. Third, it also eliminates problems <br />where a supervisor hired under the Z Plan is being paid less than a subordinate who <br />was hired under the old pay plan. Fourth, it reduces the City's liability exposure with <br />protected classes of employees. Lastly, it is less complicated to administer one pay <br />plan than two. <br />By providing pay that is internally equitable and externally competitive, the City can <br />create a competitive advantage in delivering our products and services to our citizens <br />through its most important resource - our employees. The pay plan should be <br />evaluated annually and any adjustments should be determined within the context of <br />existing and projected fiscal constraints and the City's competitive position. <br />