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1.11 Nothing contained in the specifications shall be construed as creating any <br />contractual relationship between any subcontractor and the City. The <br />Contractor shall be as fully responsible to the City for the acts and omissions <br />of the subcontractors and of persons employed by them as it is for acts and <br />omissions of persons directly employed by it. <br />1.12 Precaution shall be exercised by the Contractor at all times for the protection <br />of persons, (including employees) and property. All existing structures, <br />utilities, roads, services, trees and shrubbery shall be protected against <br />damage or interruption of service at all times by the Contractor and its <br />subcontractors during the term of the Contract, and the Contractor shall be <br />held responsible for any damage to property occurring by reason of its <br />operation on the property. <br />1.13 All required insurance coverage must be acquired from insurers authorized <br />to do business in the State of Texas and acceptable to the City. The City <br />prefers that all insurers also have a policyholder's rating of "A-" or better, and <br />a f9nanciat size of "Class VI" or better in the latest edition of A.M. Best, or A <br />or better by Standard and Poors; exceptions to this policy may only be <br />approved in writing by the City Manager or City Finance Director. <br />1.14 The City will consider deductible amounts as part of its review of the financial <br />stability of the bidder. Any deductibles shall be disclosed in the Checklist <br />and all deductibles will be assumed by the Contractor. ContractorNendor <br />may be required to provide proof of financial ability to cover deductibles, or <br />may be required to post a bond to cover deductibles. <br />2. Contractor's Insurance - "Occurrence" Basis: <br />2.1 The Contractor shall purchase the following insurance coverage, including <br />the terms, provisions and limits shown in the Checklist. <br />2.1.1 Commercial General Liability - Such Commercial General Liability <br />policy shall include any or all of the following as indicated on the <br />Checklist: <br />General aggregate limit is to apply per project. <br />Premises/Operations: <br />Actions of Independent Contractors; <br />iv. Products/Completed Operations to be maintained for one year. <br />Final completion and acceptance of the work, with evidence of <br />same filed with owner. <br />v. Contractual Liability including protection for the Contractor <br />from claims arising out of liability assumed underthis contract; <br />vi. Personallnjury Liability including coverage for offenses related <br />to employment; <br />