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Regular City Council Meeting <br />February 25, 2008 <br />Page 2 <br />Mayor Freelen read the Proclamation declaring March 16-22, 2008, as "Poison Prevention <br />Week" in Paris, Texas. <br />CONSENT AGENDA <br />Mayor Freelen inquired if there were any items that Council Members wanted to pull from <br />the Consent Agenda for discussion. Council Member Biard stated he had a change to the minutes of <br />February 11, 2008, and had a question for Pete Kampfer on the PEDC minutes. Mayor Freelen said <br />he had a question on the City Council Task Force minutes. Council Member Wilson stated he had <br />a question on the monthly financial report. <br />Mayor Freelen said the only item not pulled forward was item 7c. Council Member Brown <br />made a Motion to approve 7c. ( Paris Visitors and Convention Council minutes for 10-26-07) <br />and Council Member Fisher seconded the Motion. Motion carried, 5 ayes - 0 nays. <br />Mayor Freelen moved to the minutes of February 11, 2008. <br />6. Deliberate and act on the approval of minutes from the meetings on February 11 and 14, 2008. <br />Council Member Biard asked that paragraph 4 of item 6 of the minutes from the City Council <br />meeting of February 11, 2008, be corrected to insert the words "Mr. Gray" between the words <br />"however" and "arrived." <br />Mayor Freelen moved to item 7. <br />7. Receive and deliberate on reports and/or minutes from the following boards, commissions, <br />and committees: <br />a. City Council Task Farce on Code Enforcement (1-22-08) <br />Mayor Freelen inquired if electric fences were acceptable if constructed within another fence. <br />Council Member Wilson said that issue came up in the discussions and the recommendation was it <br />should be acceptable. Mayor Freelen also inquired if barbed wire fences were grandfathered in under <br />the proposed new fencing ordinance. Council Member Biard said he did not think they were <br />grandfathered in, if deemed the barbed wire fence proposed a health risk. He gave an example such <br />as a barbered wire fence in a residential neighborhood. Mayor Freelen wanted to know if an <br />agriculture zone are was an exception. Council Members Biard, Wilson and Brown answered in the <br />affirmative. Council Member Wilson said that staff would be bringing to Council the ordinance for <br />their review and action. <br />b. PEDC (1-23-08) <br />