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(1) Primary Beneficiaries <br />The beneficiary of this RECD project will be the Whites Flooring Depot of Paris. This business will <br />relocate from the outskirts of Paris to 2030 Mai_n Street. They will purchase and occupy a metal free <br />standing building on slab. This building is completely finished inside and has all working utilities. <br />This area is developed and commercial in it's zoning and use. This building is flanked by <br />commercial buildings on either side. <br />Whites Flooring is involved in the construction of flooring of all kind. This includes carpet, wood <br />floors, ceramic tile and all custom applications. Besides the owners, this business provides full time <br />jobs to 4 employees. This move will not only insure their continues employment, but add at least two <br />rriore jobs plus work for a half dozen contractor installers. <br />RECD funds, matched by a loan from the Lamar National Bank, will be used to purchase the <br />building located at 2030 Main Street. The owner will provide working capital for the project. <br />