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Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION AND EXECUTIVE SUMMARY <br />This document is the final report of the Police Officer Staffing Study of the <br />Paris Police Department conducted by Law Enforcement Management Services <br />during January and February 2008. This chapter presents a summary of the <br />findings. <br />Introduction <br />Law Enforcement Management Services was retained by the City of Paris <br />to conduct a comprehensive staffing study of the Police Department <br />management and operations. The specific scope of work included: <br />• A review of the current departmental operations to include current <br />staffing levels, calls for service, arrests, citations issued, accidents <br />investigated, and administrative commitments including training, <br />court, and other administrative functions. <br />• Review departmental organization and use of non-sworn personnel. <br />• Interview members of department staff. <br />• Utilize computer assisted staffing analysis to develop <br />recommended staffing levels based on community expectations <br />and operational necessity. Such staffing levels will include staffing <br />levels for Patrol, Investigations, and Administrative functions. <br />• Develop an initial draft report for discussion with departmental <br />Command Staff. <br />• Meet with members of the Command Staff and designees as <br />needed to refine draft and develop a final draft. <br />The methodology for completing this review included: <br />• Review and analysis of departmental records, reports, files and <br />documentation. <br />• Interviews with city and departmental personnel <br />• Personal observations of operations and activities <br />Page 4 <br />