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~313112~~8 X9:15 937842429 CITY OF PARIS PAGE 81 <br />Publish Dates: Marcb 2, 2008 <br />March 9, 200$ <br />NOTICE TO BX]aDERS <br />The City of Faris will receive sealed bids at the Offzce of the City Manager, City of Paris, 135 1" <br />S.E., P.O. Bvx 9037, Paris, Texas 75461-9037, For the furnishing and delivery of the following <br />materials: <br />CRS-2 Emulsiom Asphalt <br />SS-1 Emulsion Asphalt (Tack Oil) <br />Instructions to bidder <br />Place completed bid form, in a sealed. envelope addressed as shown on bid form. Cleanly mark on the <br />outside of t)xe envelope "Sealed Bid: Street 1Vla.te~rials" and rctum to the Office of the City <br />Manager, City of Paris, 135 1~ SE, P. 0. Box 9037, Paris, Texas 75461 zoo later than 3:00 P.1V>(. on <br />~'uesday, March 1$, 200$ at which time all bids will be publicly opcncd at the City ofParis City <br />Colmcil Chamber, 107 E. Kaufix-an SL'., Paris, Texas, read aloud, tabulated and referred to the City <br />Council far consideration.- Multiple bids s1~a11 be placed in the same envelope. Bids received after <br />tl~e deadline wi11 be returned to vendor unopened. <br />~~ <br />i ~.. <br />