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Thence S 89° 1843" W along the North right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 82 and the <br />South boundary line of the aforementioned called 5.345 acre tract, a distance of 15.02 <br />feet to a point for corner, point being located N 89° 18'43" E a distance of 48.48 feet <br />from a 1/~ inch iron rod found at the Southwest corner of said called 5.345 acre tract; <br />Thence N 03°28'45" W, a distance of 191.92 feet to a point for corner; <br />Thence N 5 8°49'31" W, a distance of 47.35 feet to a point for corner in the most northern <br />West boundary line of the aforementioned called 5.345 acre tract, said point being <br />located N 00°35'48" W a distance of 6.48 feet from a'/2 inch capped iron rod found at the <br />angle point of the West boundary line of the aforementioned called 5345 acre tract; <br />Thence N 00°35'48" W along the most northern West boundary line of the <br />aforementioned called 5.345 acre tract a distance of 307.17 feet to a pouat for corner, said <br />point being located S 00°35'48" E a distance of 11.50 feet from a'/z inch iron rod found <br />for the Northwest corner of the aforementioned called 5.345 acre tract; <br />Thence N 88°36'44" E, paratlel with the North baundary line of the aforementioned <br />called 5345 acre fxact, a distance of 430.59 feet to a point for corner in the rnost northern <br />East baundary line af said ealled 5.345 acre tract; <br />Thence 5 0 1 034'25" E along the most northern East boundary line of the aforementioned <br />called 5345 acre tract, a distance of 260.60 feet to a'/2 inch iron rod found for corner at <br />the angle point of the East boundary line of said called 5.345 acre tract; <br />Thence S 00°35'00" E along the most southern East boundary line of the aforementioned <br />called 5.345 acre tract, a distanee of 268.56 feet to the point of beginr4ing and containing <br />0.527 acres of land. <br />I, KEVIN K. WHITLEY, REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR, <br />#5892, STATE C)F TEXAS, HEREBY CERTIFY THE ABOVE IS TAKEN FROM <br />MEASUREMENTS MADE UPON THE GROUND. <br />. <br />. 62 <br />