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3-11-08;12:57PM;C0n9. RHlpn M. HeIL ;972 722 0907 # 2/ Q <br />RALPN M. HALL SCfENCEANDTECHNOLOGY <br />4~rt~ Dutnicr, Texas RAwror~ Memae <br />n <br />2405 RAYBURfV NOUSEOfFICE BUIIDING ~on~re,~,~ o f tl~e ~mted ~~.tA~u ENERGYAN€3 COWiAqERCE <br />Waskicvc7av, OC 20515-43Q4 ENEAGYMlD qIR QUALRY <br />r202?226.6673 <br />(202) 225-3332 FAX Wnus;e Df Re-pregetttatfbeg "mT" <br />COP~IIAERCE,'SHADE. APfD <br />e~mail:rmhall@maH, W*innlltD~, IDC 20515-4304 `°"SL"ERFR°'EC'n°" <br />March 10, 2008 <br />Texas Parks and Wildlzfe Departiment <br />4200 Sznith School Rd. <br />Austin, TX 78744-3218 <br />Dear Sir: <br />i am pleased to add my support to the application for grant fundzng to extend the <br />pedestrian/bicycle trail network within the City of Paris. <br />I wholeheartedly agee that this venture will be a tremendous benefit to the <br />community an,d will provide safe alternative recreational opportunities ta the citizerzs of <br />Paris and surrounding communities. The gas pnices alone will help to encouzage ocar <br />citizens to use other means of transportation. The more we can encourage people to <br />bicycle or walk to local facilities the more it wi11 improve the areas' social and economic <br />health and air quality. <br />I respectfulIy urge the Texas Parks aad Wildlife Department Recreational <br />Grant pzogram to support this worthwhile project. If; during the considera.tion process, I <br />can be of any assistazxce, please do not hesitate #o contact me. <br />With best regards, <br />Sincerely, <br />,7 <br />Ralph 1VI. Hall <br />Member of Congress <br />❑ 104 NOftTN $AfV JACIfVYO STflEET <br />RocKwALI <br />TX 75087-2508 <br />[3 COll1N C~,pIJ(M CpiJp7 Fp,q{,Iry <br />~ 10i EA3T PECqT1,s(pEET <br />U.S. P0S7 Qf}j~ <br />El 4303 7EXAS BOUI.EVARD <br />SURE 2 <br />, <br />(972) 771-911$ <br />7800 IVOFl711 GRqVES SfHEET, Surre 701 <br />MCKINNEY. TX JrJOB~MZI <br />ShtEnnnAN, TX 75094-5989 <br />(903) M-1 112 <br />320 Ct+Utecx Snaeer, SVrrE 132 <br />, <br />TExaFow4a, TX 75503-3094 <br />{972)722-0907 FAX <br />{274)726-9949 <br />(903) 8684260. FAX <br />SUIPHVR $rmNCS.TX 75482-2608 <br />(903) 885-8138 <br />(9031794-4445 <br />(214) 726-9363 FAX <br />58031439-0874 FAX <br />I903j 194-5577 FN( <br />~ <br />