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STAFF REPORT ON ASSESSMENT RESOLUTION <br />FOR STEERING COMMITTEE OF CITIES SERVED BY ONCOR <br />Purnose of the Resolution: <br />The City of is a member of a 109-member city coalition known as the <br />Steering Committee of Cities Served by Oncor. The resolution approves the assessment of a ten <br />cent ($0.10) per capita fee to fund the activities of the Steering Commitee. <br />Whv this Resolution is necessarv: <br />The Steering Committee undertakes activities on behalf of municipalities for which it <br />needs funding support from its members. Municipalities have original jurisdiction over the <br />electric transmission and distribution rates and services within the city. The Steering Committee <br />has been in existence since the late 1980s. It took on a formal structure in the early 1990s when <br />cities served by TXU (since renamed as Oncor Electric Delivery Company) gave up their <br />statutory right to rate case expense reimbursement in exchange for higher franchise fee <br />payments. Empowered by city resolutions and funded by per capita assessments, the Steering <br />Committee has been the primary public interest advocate before the Public Utility Commission, <br />the Courts, and the Legislature on electric utility regulation matters for nearly two decades. <br />In 2004, the Steering Committee coordinated the activities of 20 member cities that <br />initiated an investigation of Oncor's wires rates. As a result of the Steering Committee's <br />activities, the Company agreed to make settlement payments to the cities beginning in 2005. <br />Settlement payments from Oncor will continue to be made annually through the entry of final <br />order in the Company's next rate case (expected 2009). <br />The Steering Committee is actively involved in rate cases, appeals, rulemakings, and <br />legislative efforts impacting the rates charged by Oncor Electric Delivery within the City. <br />Steering Committee representation is also strong at ERCOT. It is possible that additional efforts <br />will be necessary on new issues that arise during the year, and it is important that the Steering <br />Committee be able to fund its participation on behalf of its member cities. A per capita <br />assessment has historically been used, and is a fair method for the members to bear the burdens <br />associated with the benefits received from that membership. <br />Explanation of "Be It Resolved" Paragraphs: <br />1. The City is cunently a member of the Steering Committee; this paragraph <br />authorizes the continuation of the City's membership. <br />2. This paragraph authorizes payment of the City's assessment to the Steering <br />Committee in the amount of ten cents ($0.10) per capita, based on the population figure for the <br />City as shown in the latest TML Directory of City Officials. <br />3. This paragraph requires notification to the Chair of the Steering Committee, Jay <br />Doegey, that the City has adopted the Resolution. <br />il,~ $ 7 <br />