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Regular City Council Meeting <br />May 12, 2008 <br />Page 5 <br />DISABILITY HOMESTEAD; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCE OR PARTS OF <br />ORDINANCES 1N CONFLICT HEREWITH MAKING OTHER FINDINGS AND <br />PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTNE <br />DATE. <br />Kevin Carruth explained that this item was placed on the Agenda, because there had been <br />discussion for and against a residence homestead exemption based on the tax freeze initiative petition. <br />He said this item gave Council options if they wanted to address the initiative petition in item 18. <br />Mr. Carruth further explained several years ago the senior and disabled tax freeze was deliberated by <br />the Council and they decided to forgo the tax freeze in favor of increasing the senior tax exemption <br />from $17,000.00 to $20,000.00 and in addition, they implemented a new $20,000.00 exemption for <br />disabled persons. Mayor Freelen said that action was a benefit to everyone. Council Member Biard <br />said he was not in favor of repealing or reducing the exemption and that they needed to first determine <br />what they were going to do with the tax freeze. Council Member Wilson said Georgetown had a <br />sunset clause in their ordinance that allowed for the exemption to be changed if a tax freeze passed. <br />He said he was not recommending reducing the tax exemption, but they needed to look at the entire <br />economic picture. Council Member Brown stated he was not in favor of reducing or repealing the <br />tax exemption. Mr. Carruth said that Gene Anderson had estimated that the $20,000.00 tax <br />exemption cost the City nearly $250,000.00 in revenue loss. <br />It was a consensus that no action be taken. Kevin Carruth inquired if Council wanted staff <br />to bring the tax exemption item back to them for consideration, should the tax freeze item come up <br />again. It was a consensus of Council to do so. Council Member Biard said if it comes back, he <br />wanted both issues to be considered under one agenda item so they could discuss them at the same <br />time. <br />18. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PARIS, PARIS, TEXAS, <br />PROHIBITING THE AUTHORIZATION OF THE POWER TO NEGOTIATE FOR THE <br />SALE OF RAW WATER FROM LAKE PAT MAYSE AND/OR LAKE CROOK TO BE <br />TRANSPORTED BEYOND THE BOUNDARIES OF LAMAR COUNTY, TEXAS; <br />MAKING OTHER FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT; <br />PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; <br />REPEALING ALL ORDINANCE S OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES, MINUTE ORDERS <br />OR RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE <br />DATE. <br />Kent McIlyar reiterated three options outlined for Council at their meeting of April 28, 2008, <br />as follows: 1) accept the petition ordinance as presented; 2) reject the ordinance as presented by the <br />petitioners and allow it to go to a vote in November 2008; or 3) adopt their own ordinance in <br />accordance with state law. Mr. McIlyar told City Council if they did not take any action within sixty <br />days of the certification of the petition, that it would go to a vote in November 2008. He reminded <br />Council that the City Clerk certified the petition on April 14, 2008. Mayor Freelen asked Kent <br />