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AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY & THEFT PREVENTION AUTHORITY <br />APPLICATION TABLE OF CONTENTS <br />Description of Proposed Project ABTPA-3 <br />Project Approval Information ABTPA-4 <br />Budget Summary ABTPA-5 <br />Schedule A: Personnel ABTPA-6 <br />Schedule A: Personnel Narrative ABTPA-7 <br />Schedule A: Overtime Narrative ABTPA-8-10 <br />Schedule 6: Contractual ABTPA-11 <br />Schedule B: Contractual Narrative ABTPA-12 <br />Schedule C: Travel ABTPA-13 <br />Schedule C: Travel Narrative ABTPA-14 <br />Schedule D: Equipment ABTPA-15 <br />Schedule D: Equipment Narrative ABTPA-16 <br />Schedule E: Supplies and Direct Operating Expenses ABTPA-17 <br />Schedule E: Supplies and DOE Narrative ABTPA-18 <br />Schedule F: Indirect Cost ABTPA-19 <br />Program Instructions ABTPA-20-21 <br />Problem & Historical Information ABTPA-22-23 <br />Goals and Objectives ABTPA-24-25 <br />Functions of Proposed Project ABTPA-26 <br />Evaluation Design ABTPA-27 <br />Designations of Grant Officials ABTPA-28 <br />Special Conditions ABTPA-29-36 <br />. 0060 <br />ABTPA-2 <br />