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NOV-30-2007(FRI) 16;04 CENTURy 21 EXECUTIVE REALITY (FRX)9037847185 P.002/011 <br />CO1vINt t, ' C[AL .AN1) 1NDU6TiZCA.'k, <br />rrra'L ESTATE- SALE, CON'IB.AC'Y' <br />i, ppR'r'IES; Tliin cauu'9Ct ('~ConCtaCt") is m8de by and be[wean Cha►nbless Fntailv TrusC <br />("Seila?,) and 2t,x►merenzn IProaeMtas Deveiua.mant' 1,Y~C. ancUQr ~•si~n~c (°BuyeC"), ulld I5 81fectiv4y <br />as aNw duce and tme of acccptanee an the signaturc page of thrs Cantn ct (the "EfPeetive Date"). <br />PR0I'aR7'Y; 5nllnr se1{s tu DuyiBc and BuYer Pum(»ses from Satlar the rettl WtutC tGttt IS <br />tocated in Lams+r County, P~rie. Texfls, coneistlri~ dt' ~t►~r6ximntelv 6.50!b am froftt Cilock 135 al' <br />the Enoch 5urvay, absuac.c 208, . <br />sFx ATrAcTMn F=Tarr °Al, LF.GA.L on sUxvEYTO covicRrr <br />3. EXCEP'C'10NSs Tilt ProPerty shotl be SubJect, howov4r; to the Palmftd Cxcepiipns (%as <br />d,;fined in paregapp 8 aF chis Convact), nnd ttu: exlSeing laases, contructs nnd ngreements dlsvlosud by <br />Saller to Buyar pursuant co parabrnpl► 19 ofthts Cantract. <br />4, PURCHASZ- PRICE: The P«rchase Priue shall bit 'Y' vrea 14nndred '1.'1iQUSand aad 001100 <br />(S300,000.0I3), casb whioh Buyer agrtes to pay gs foll W~cm,n~ ~ b~ d°nod witl amoukit ~n (10 4usln~ss <br />uu„d 00/108 doUA~ ~1 UdU.00 e5 L`.i~est Manay ePosit <br />day9 of axecudon of chis Conhact in ntrust or c;crow aacvunl of ~exter-Pa r"Citle Cam a+~~ g'~-+3 <br />~p lav Avnnu Dully TmcAe 7 16 Rltttt: Curol ICric " nrv A ent" wllo wlll wot[6 exclu ~3Ug78S- <br />with'Stene'Trtte Cornnoo~33 ~'irsk Striset NW Puris, ~'[~xxa's 75~16Uti Ath• Dabf~~ MOM- ice, a,t to sceure tiitle wnrk, as pW o'F the qongideiation aY dic sclt; the purchase~`ad att Cloa~g ~oj <br />guarantaod funds or easitler's ch,eck at Closing (ns dafi~ed 'uj thl~ Cvntract), ~j <br />hrbratloas, cfosicag nasts and otltbr ep'cGd nclj ueun'enis. 13uyer mld SaUar alsa agrte to the follnrvittg: <br />. + 4n lViae'ch ~ons, Buycr wi11 far,vald "Additional Esmosc Monvy" in d1e untoun6 of <br />Five T1tousAnd Do11aiw fSS,DOD.O0 thet wiU bc bansidered noiti•eeFu01416 ac tiiat time, <br />and will bd crediied toward the Puucltase pricc At ClbSing. <br />. dn Au ~te~ .e i 2,_..fl Buybi wlll forw4►-d "Additton»l fA1u*st Moisey" in ifie wnaunt of <br />' Tnn'Y'honx.znd Dallars lg1Q.U0wi thut will ba caasidarod npn-rtlfundable at tf►at time, <br />and wili bn ared3ted tatiyard the Purctluee Price at Closins. <br />. 9allor slusll W'ovitiu n 511' aligmait frotn saiti pibQerty to Lomar Avenue to provida <br />aecess and utllities into said properly.• 134yrr ul,t'tee to uako all improvaments to tlieIr <br />B,usnnlenc Bud wortc wlth the Ctq► of Paris ta have it dedicated tn the City. Within this <br />easemmt; BuYsr will be alllowed to 1ii5Cuil toudrttty foeaccess, Watei'~ sewer, and etectric <br />uctltties, aad an entry monumelit sibnaLn that %vil{ altpeunoa t11e property on Lamac <br />AveAUe. S, CLOSINQ DATE: SuWnct to all the prqvie(tins of this Cnntrdct, the alosing aFeh;s Coott-act <br />(Lhe °Clasing") slutll takti place at din nfPees vf the litle Comiimy (as hegeluaflWr dotinad) or suoh otit►•.r <br />~ less <br />placc tw the naru'~mbZ d lit~cr~ctl at Clns n~ Con[c~►ec wtlt~becOome u11 d vo d xer th stdat~, un~ <br />d ~osscssi <br />extended bY mutual s$reemedt <br />6. P.XISTINQ MANClNG: 5nlier slMil mal:e alry 1mYments re9uired an Cxisling manEaps ar <br />deeds of M-1 uneil Closlnp, <br />- $uyor initiials ~7. <br />seiter tn9cmls4~ <br />7AaabalM Zti=18 L00Ll5Z/S'[ <br />. 000064 <br />