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Regular City Council Meeting <br />June 9, 2008 <br />Page 6 <br />Shawn Napier explained to Council that the Parks Department had a backlog of 59 work <br />orders for ditches and that they were diligently working through the work orders. He further <br />explained that in 2004 there was a 42 percent reduction in the Parks Departments staff, while at the <br />same time the department was charged with the added responsibilities of the Trail de Paris and the <br />Sports Complex. Additionally, a drought ensued for two years following the reduction but brush <br />continued to grow in the ditches, creating problems this last year when the rains resumed. <br />Mayor Freelen moved to item 15 a. and convened City Council into Executive Session at 8:06 <br />p.m. <br />16. Reconvene in Open Session to take possible action regarding those matters discussed in <br />Executive Session. <br />a. To receive Attorney advice regarding legal issues related to a contract with Housing <br />Associates, Inc. and Eastgate Subdivision. <br />Mayor Freelen reconvened City Council into open session at 8:42 p.m. Mayor Freelen <br />announced there would be no action taken at the time. He stated that Kent McIlyar would update the <br />City Council on issues in the future. <br />17. RESOLUTION NO. 2008-046: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COLJNCIL OF THE CITY <br />OF PARIS, TEXAS, ACKNOWLEDGING THAT THE PETITION FILED MARCH 18, <br />2008 PROPOSING A LIMITATION ON THE AMOUNT OF AD VALOREM TAXES <br />THAT MAY BE IMPOSED AGAINST A RESIDENCE HOMESTEAD OF A PERSON <br />AGE 65 YEARS OR OLDER OR A DISABLED PERSON WAS NOT SIGNED BY FIVE <br />PERCENT (5%) OR MORE OF THE REGISTERED VOTERS OF THE CITY OF PARIS, <br />TEXAS, AND, THEREFORE, DOES NOT SATISFY THE REQUIREMENT OF ARTICLE <br />8, SECTION 1-b(h) OF THE TEXAS CONSTITUTION; MAKING OTHER FINDINGS <br />AND PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE <br />DATE. <br />Kent McIlyar said that under the City Charter, that the City Council was required to review <br />and/or take action within sixty days of receiving a petition. He further said that Council could adopt <br />the petition as written, or not adopt it and allow the issue to go to a vote at the next uniform election <br />date. Mr. McIlyar stated the tax freeze initiative petition was different than most initiative petitions, <br />because the State regulated the tax freeze petition process. Mr. McIlyar advised Council that Article <br />8, Section 1-b(h) of the Texas Constitution required a tax freeze petition to contain signatures of 5% <br />of the total number of registered voters in the City of Paris. He said the City Clerk issued a certificate <br />saying that the petition contained 655 signatures, 80 of which were disqualified leaving a total of 575 <br />qualified voter signatures. Mr. McIlyar said he asked the City Clerk to determine the number of <br />registered voters in the City of Paris and she determined through her research there were 14,235 <br />registered voters in the City of Paris as of March 18, 2008, the date the tax freeze petition was filed. <br />' OOOP) 0 % <br />